High Seeker

This article is depicting a potential future of this world. Some events in here might not have happened yet and will be changed by the actions of the players involved in this world. Until these campaigns have concluded, this article will exist in a superposition between existance and non-existance.   Some version of this article will survive, but who knows what it will be when all of this is over
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This article will be expanded upon in the future

I, swear to uphold the teachings and principals of Tria, the Starborn. I swear to walk the path of Twlight, maintaining the balance between scolching light, and freezing dark. Under my watch, the world shall neither burn, nor wither away. I swear to serve the Star Seekers with wisdom and compassion, guiding our people in both light and dark. I swear to lead with humility, listen with an open heart, and act with the best interest of all Seekers in mind.   I commit to these vows, with all of my heart, my mind and my body for the duration of my service. I accept this mantle with humility and gratitude.
Allesandra - taking the oath of the High Seeker
  The seven High Seekers are the spiritual and political leaders of the Star Seekers. They share that responsibility equally, acting on the principal of consensus for important decisions. Usually each High Seeker focuses on one area of responsibility, may it be spiritual guidance, administrational tasks or public relations.   High Seekers are elected by the priests of the Star Seekers, when one of the previous High Seekers steps down or dies. The title is appointed for life, or until removed by a vote from the priests. This is a rare occurance, but has happened from time to time in the past and keeps the High Seekers accountable for their actions.  
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Integer sit amet faucibus augue. Cras volutpat mauris sit amet justo commodo, vel tincidunt velit semper. Donec vel efficitur purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec id ante sit amet tellus viverra scelerisque. Integer quis scelerisque libero, porta consectetur enim. Mauris a metus aliquet, faucibus risus a, volutpat diam. Vestibulum vehicula arcu libero, et varius risus finibus in. Morbi eget tempor arcu, eu euismod lacus. Aenean pulvinar faucibus magna in dictum. Phasellus feugiat vel enim vitae pellentesque. Pellentesque porta massa magna, sed tempor lacus luctus a. Etiam sed lectus auctor, sodales lectus a, mattis.


Appointment and Election

When a position among the High Seekers opens up, a council of the senior and most esteemed members of the Star Seekeres convenes to identify potential candidates to fill the position. These individuals are usually drawn from the ranks of experienced and highly respected priests. Other priests and faithful are encouraged to suggest candidates to the council to be taken under consideration.   Each candidate undergoes a thorough vetting process, first by the council, then by the faithful and general public. This process shall examine their past contributions, moral character and comittment to the principles of Tria. In many public and private discussions each candiate shows their faith and dedication to the Star Seekers.   After the vetting process, every member of the Star Seekers gets to indicate their approval of every single candidate in a secret vote. Those candidates that get at least two thirds of the Seeker's approval, move on to the Trial of Twilight. This Trial is secret and happens in Tria's Light. It's believed that Tria herself vets the remaining candidates during the Trial. Ususally after the Trial of Twilight, the list of candidates has been narrowed down to 3 or less and the Star Seekers will choose their new High Seeker in a public vote.
Work in Progress

This article is still heavily WIP and can change at any moment

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Jul 16, 2024 13:22 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the oath. Amazing. <3

Aug 6, 2024 08:33

Thank you! The oath was probably my favourite part to come up with. Wanted to have something with weight, that doesn't sound like reciting some ancient spell :D

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Aug 21, 2024 12:26 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing and informative article. I always love your world's design. :)   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3

Aug 24, 2024 08:03

Thank you!

Want to find more of the things i'm doing? SatriumHub
Aug 30, 2024 05:30 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there again! Just letting you know that I featured your article as one that caught my eye in my Reading Challenge. Thanks again for sharing! God bless. <3