Carach Angren ((Ca-Ra-ch An-Grin))

The Immolator

Divine Domains

Chaos, Evil, Fire, War


Charach's Scorn - A large two handed mace said to once be weilded by the demon lord. It is currently in posession of the head of The Burned One's cult.   Charach's Cunning - A necklace which allows it's wearer to view the weakpoints of opponents as well as structures. The Necklace even allows it's user to exploit these weakpoints, crumbling walls with only a mere touch.

Holy Books & Codes

The Conqurors Codex - A book whose parchment is made from the flesh of the different ancestries of Maeon. It's texts from what many readers confess change depenfing on the dicisple. Sometimes it lists battle strategies and other times vile acts of brutality. One thing that all readers of the deprived text can agree on, is that it inspires the worshipper to go out and attempt to appease the Immolator.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Slaughter indiscriminately, Burn the foundation of society to the ground, corrupt the innocent, Take from the weak.   Anathema - Spare an enemy, heal the injured, extinguish flames, Provide Charity

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To escape The Nine Hells and conqure all of Maeon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Charach Angren was once a powerful demon prince in the Lake of Immolation, ruling over a horde of lesser demons with an iron fist. He was feared and respected by his subjects, who obeyed his every command without question. But Charach was ambitious and craved power and domination beyond the confines of inferno. One day, he discovered a portal that led to the mortal realm of Maeon, a land rich in resources and ripe for conquest. Charach saw an opportunity to expand his empire and decided to invade a vunrable portion of this section of the material plane known as Saleth. As Charach's army descended upon the material plane, they laid waste to everything in their path. Cities were burned to the ground, armies were crushed beneath the feet of demons, and countless lives were lost. Charach reveled in the chaos and destruction, relishing in the screams of the innocent. Charach Especially enjoyed the curroption of the elven people of Kalach, his followers twisting the once noble people into savage cannibalistic hunters.    This chaos would not seem to have an end as the meer prescence of the demon lord warped the land, making a majority of Saleth into a crimson desert.  Even after loss after loss the people of Saleth were not willing to go down without a fight. They rallied together and formed a resistance, led by a group of powerful wizards and warriors. They fought back against Charach's army with all their might, determined to protect their homes and families. It was during the later half of his conquest that Charach met Finn Chull , a storm giant warrior who had come to aid the people of Saleth. Finn was not only a fierce warrior and a skilled fighter but was one of the creators of the land of Saleth itself. Seeing his defeat as the coup de grace for the mortals of the material plane he would challenge Finn to a one-on-one battle, hoping to crush any hopes of resistence. The battle was long and grueling, but in the end, Finn emerged victorious. Charach was banished back to the Lake of Immolation, his army defeated and his plans for conquest foiled.    The Immolator was not done yet,his anger and frustration granted him a brilliant idea. He sought out Finn's brother Halvdan The Black and corrupted him, turning him against his own kin. Halvdan would be the first member of the mortal cult to the demon known as The Burned One's. The Fire Giant  fostered a deep disdain for his brother, wishing to have the acclaim that the storm giant possessed. After very few exchanges he would become Charach's pawn, doing his bidding and causing chaos and destruction throughout Saleth in the shadows. He would then set up a perfect trap to destroy Finn. He would Join Finn on an investigation in the northern lands of saleth, stabbing his brother in the back with a poison dagger. The brothers would battle in the Giants Spine mountains. They would practically reshape the entirety of Saleth during this battle, a permanent storm sprouting around the continent. Soon silence would fill the land, Finn standing over his brother’s dead body. Falling shortly to his own death. Carach while pleased with the death of the Giant responsible for his defeate, was also disatisfied. Finn's bloodline lived on, and that was enough to make the demon sick. Sitting within his realm, he silenty schemes using what little influence he has in the mortal realms to sow chaos and destruction. One day hoping to destroy the remaining mortal's with Finn's blood.
Divine Classification
Demon Lord
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Ruled Locations