Dragon Candy

The origins of dragon candy remained a mystery to most, but legends spoke of bored mages seeking new experiences while in the presence of ancient drakes. Their experimentation resulted in the creation of this potent hallucinogen, taking users on a journey through the vast astral sea. The allure of deep euphoria and the feeling of floating amidst the cosmic waves were undeniable for those seeking escape or adventure. However, as its popularity grew, so did its negative impact on the lives of many.   Governments and authorities across Maeon recognized the dangers of dragon candy, and it was soon declared illegal in major nations like Avalor, Thassos, and others. Despite the ban, the clandestine production and distribution of the drug continued, with mages and alchemists hiding their activities in shadows and secret hideouts. The dark reputation of these forbidden substances gave rise to secret "Dragon Dens," concealed within hidden caves and remote locations, where users could indulge in dragon candy without fear of persecution.   The fate of those ensnared by dragon candy addiction was dire. The powerful astral projection trapped them within their own minds, causing their physical bodies to wither away from lack of movement and sustenance. In the depths of the greator void, their minds were consumed by madness, their very existence forever changed. The allure of dragon candy, its promises of euphoria and escape, had cast a dark and haunting shadow over the lands of Maeon, leaving a trail of shattered lives in its wake.   The truth about dragon candy remained shrouded in mystery for a long time, known only to a select few. The projection into the Astral Sea was an unintended side effect of the drug's creation. As in order to create samples of Dragon Candy, a mage or alchemist must use complex rituals to rip parts of the Astral Sea into the material realm, sending them into various fruits or jams. These shards of the void are heavily influnced by those who weild them, taking on the color, tone and qualities of what it's summoner desires. With narcotic's on the mind, these mages would subtly alter the void shards into several different drugs, many of which lost to time.    Although As the phenomenon of dragon candy spread, some of those who regularly indulged in dragon candy began to display physical changes, as if touched by the essence of dragons. Scales started to form on their skin, their eyes took on a glimmer of a draconic hue, and even their voices began to carry a faint, resonating quality. However, despite these dragon-like features, the users lacked any of the true strength or power of the magnificent creatures they emulated. Being nothing more then catatonic emaciated parodies of Draconic Kind.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Base Price