
Lord of Green

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

The Mouth of Greed - A ring which depicts a gastly face with it's mouth agape. It gives the wearer some improved capabilities at a price. It's weilder must sacrifice an object to the ring daily, although it seems to have a taste for coin. There are minor whispers that Garlic has used the ring as a form of execution.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the heart of the bustling city of Ciki Za Greedit , amidst the labyrinthine streets and towering structures, resides Garlic, the enigmatic ruler of goblinoid kind and one of the oldest goblins to have ever existed in the realm of Maeon. Born under extraordinary circumstances, Garlic's origins are shrouded in mystery and tragedy.   Long ago, Garlic's father, a human, incurred the wrath of a powerful goblin tribe. As punishment for his transgressions, the tribe laid a curse upon him, decreeing that he would give birth to a future goblin legend. When Garlic came into the world, his parents were filled with fear and dread, seeing in him the embodiment of the curse.   In an act of desperation, Garlic's family abandoned him in the depths of the untamed woods, hoping that the perils of the natural world would claim his life. However, fate had other plans for the young goblin. Against all odds, Garlic survived the harsh wilderness, his resilience and innate cunning guiding him through countless trials and tribulations.   As he grew older, Garlic's encounters with various goblin tribes shaped his identity and honed his skills as a leader. He learned their ways, their customs, and their strategies, earning the respect and loyalty of his fellow goblins. Eventually Garilic would come across a group of adventurers including a lizard-folk and human chevalier. He would join with the group explorering abandoned cities linked to the The Kingdom of Brass. Tales of a goblin adventurer would propel him to positions of influence within goblinoid communities.    Eventually, Garlic would leave the lands of Aelotas, taveling through unkown means to Saleth. That is when the young goblin found the swamps of The Green Cesspool, using his His natural charisma and tactical prowess he ascended to the throne of Ciki Za Greedit, becoming the undisputed king of goblinoid kind. His rule brought stability and prosperity to the goblin city, as he united disparate factions under his banner and forged alliances with neighboring tribes. Garlic's wisdom, tempered by his harsh upbringing, guided him in making decisions that were not only beneficial for his own kind but also aimed at improving the reputation of goblinoids among the other races of Maeon.   Although it appears his attempts at repairing the reputaion of goblin kind is anything but genuine, as the influx of adventurers and travelers to The Green Cesspool brings in more money for the goblins in his city. As all who visit might notice that many of their valubles are missing after an extended stay within the wooden Inns of Ciki Za Greedit.
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Year of Birth
1000 IE 300 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Green
Known Languages
Common, Goblin, Infernal