
The goblin god of Trickery and Greed, known as Grimmer, holds a unique place in the annals of goblinoid history. From the dawn of time, Grimmer's mischievous nature manifested as he delighted in tormenting other deities. As his power grew, he crafted the landmass now known as the Green Cesspool, birthing the very essence from which the goblinoid races emerged. Monkeys, infused with Grimmer's humor and trickery, transformed into goblins, mirroring the appearance of their god. Hobgoblins, born from lethal scavenger creatures, inherited Grimmer's cunning and intellect, while bugbears embodied his rage and primal foolishness.   However, Grimmer's existence took a dark turn when he stumbled upon a mysterious ring with a gaping maw that devoured any riches he pilfered from the divine coffers. This encounter warped his perception of reality, driving him towards a path of deviousness and cruelty towards the other divines. To his surprise, Grimmer discovered the presence of other Grimmers scattered throughout the vast expanse of the void, each with their own planes to exploit. In the height of his mischief, Ma'kata, the god of war, led the charge against the conniving goblin, ultimately shattering him into multiple fragments.   Believed to be destroyed, Grimmer's essence lingered within the ring, which was inadvertently cast into the material plane. A lowly goblin named Garlic stumbled upon the cursed artifact, causing Grimmer's divine essence to merge with him. Forever cursed with the madness of the god, Garlic concealed his true lineage from other goblins, bestowing the surname Garri'k upon his family to maintain their disguise. However, fate had other plans when a paladin of Ionar vanquished Garlic, freeing Grimmer's essence once more.   In its released form, Grimmer assumed the guise of a shade and found itself trapped within a crypt, housing the enigmatic Library of Maeon. There, it languished in obscurity, awaiting discovery. Eventually, a certain hobgoblin stumbled upon the crypt, unwittingly unleashing the imprisoned essence of Grimmer and forever altering the course of history.

Divine Domains

Greed, Trickery, Goblinoid-kind
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Starting Chaos
One eye is a bright blue, the other black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bright Green
Founded Settlements