Ilimitar Kaine

The Horned Butcher

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Ihoer Fae Yulmar (Venom Soul Consumer) - An ancient blade which is a deep purple color. The Souls of several Yuan-Ti can be heard screaming from the weapon. It's a weapon of insane power, even managing to wound the demon lord Carach Angren  The Horned Helm - Fashioned from the bones of the slain, The helmet is seemingly charged with necromantic energies. It is practically reverberating magical might.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ilimitar Kaine, an Ancient Elf of great renown, was indeed among the first elves created in the early days of Maeon. Blessed by Darak òrdail with grace, wisdom, and exceptional martial prowess, Ilimitar emerged as a prominent figure within the elven community. Gifted with a natural affinity for leadership, he assumed the role of a military commander, guiding his kin in times of conflict and protecting their lands. During an era when the Yuan-Ti/ Vishkanya , a serpent-like race, posed a significant threat to the balance of the world, Ilimitar took up arms against these formidable adversaries. With his strategic brilliance and the unmatched skills of the elven warriors under his command, he led a relentless campaign against the Yuan-Ti forces. The war between the elves and the Yuan-Ti raged across the land, and Ilimitar's military acumen and valor played a pivotal role in turning the tides of battle in favor of the elves.   The conflict reached its climax in a decisive confrontation where Ilimitar led the elven armies in a fierce assault against the Yuan-Ti stronghold. In a remarkable display of courage and tactical brilliance, the elven forces overwhelmed their adversaries, dealing a devastating blow to the Yuan-Ti ranks. Alhtough Hints of madness would be made apparant as Ilimitar would command his men to slaughter the Yuan-Ti indescrimanly. As a result, the once-proud Yuan-Ti civilization was brought to the brink of extinction, their power shattered and their influence diminished.   As a reward for his victory, the great warrior was granted land in the northen part of the land of Saleth. He would go on to call his new land Kalach, training it's citizens to be great hunters and even greater warriors. A brief time of peace would soon arrive, although it was not free of tensions. The Elven kingdoms that would cover both Aelotas and Saleth would become worried about the younger ancestries that were becoming more prevalent in the world. Thus would plan for the inevitable war that would arrive. Unfortunetly for the Elves of Maeon war would not arrive thanks to humans, dwarves, or orcs but war would arrive from The Lake of Immolation. Demonic hordes mixed with flaming giants would charge through the different kingdoms of the Saleth bringing with them destruction and death. Ilimitar would take his finest men foward and would directly challange Carach Angren himself.   The two would shake the earth with their exchange, as the forest they met in would be reduced to ash. With a flash of light Ilimitar would land a blow where the one of the demon's hearts would be, but this blow would be for nought as Carach Angren would smash the elven warrior into the ground with his infernal mace. A corruption would enter the noble warriors veins as he laied bleeding on the ground. The Demon laughing in glee as it flew away, burning the rest of the woods of kalach to the ground as he would spread this curropting presence around the rest of the Kalachian elves.   Thus, Ilimitar, broken and defeated, was left to languish in the aftermath of their battle. The corrupting influence twisted his soul even further, warping his once-noble intentions into malevolent desires. From that moment on, Ilimitar became a fearsome herald of darkness. After the defeat of Carach Angren he would leave to the center of his former lush territory. Under this curroption he would use his ancient druidic knowledge to create an abomination known as The Gallow's Tree. From their he would command his twisted kin to hunt any and all who enter their territory. Expanding the forest and growing the Gallow's Tree to new heights.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Was a lead general in the Yuan-Ti Elven conflict.    Survived a battle against Carach Angren.   Was one of the Last Elves to be curropted by the infernal influence surrounding Kalach.     Is the most feared hunter of the elven people.
Chaotic Evil
Current Status
To feed souls to The Gallow's Tree
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1400 BI 2700 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Was one of the first Elves molded By Darak òrdail
Long White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
205 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Elven, Infernal, Celestial, Sylvan, Undercommon, Abyssal, Common
Ruled Locations