
(a.k.a. The Old Fisherman)

Omakhar, the God of Dim Light, Courage, Self-Control, The Sea, and Knowledge, is an enigmatic deity who often goes unnoticed by the majority of Maeon's inhabitants. His worshippers are few, mainly consisting of scholars and sailors who seek his favor for safe voyages and wisdom in their pursuits. Omakhar's distant nature means he rarely involves himself in the affairs of mortals. However, he did extend a unique challenge to the world's scholars, an event that would forever change the perception of his influence in Maeon.   Prior to the cataclysmic event known as the Great Flood, Omakhar issued a challenge to a select group of his high priests and esteemed scholars from across the world. This challenge was initially intended to remain within the circle of these individuals, a test of their courage, self-control, and thirst for knowledge. Yet, as with many secrets, the temptation to share such an opportunity became too great. The challenge itself is both terrifying and tantalizing. Participants are instructed to venture to a secluded cliff that overlooks the boundless expanse of the Sea of Mirrors, which is, in truth, Omakhar's domain. There, standing on the precipice, they are instructed to gaze down into the depths below. As they peer into the abyss, something extraordinary occurs. Immediately, they are confronted by a manifestation of their deepest, most profound fear or their most tantalizing temptation. It is a trial of courage, self-control, and a test of their innermost desires. Those who can maintain their composure and resist the allure of their fears or desires are deemed worthy by Omakhar.   For those who successfully navigate this treacherous inner journey, Omakhar bestows his divine boon upon them. This boon can take many forms, from enhanced wisdom and knowledge to the courage to face their fears or resist temptation. Scholars who pass this test often find themselves enlightened, their thirst for understanding quenched in ways they could never have imagined.   However, not all who attempt Omakhar's challenge emerge unscathed. Those who succumb to their fears or desires are said to descend into madness. These unfortunate souls, driven to the brink of sanity, often meet a grisly end as they hurl themselves into the Sea of Mirrors. Here, they meet an ocean teeming with grotesque monstrosities of all sizes, the creations of their own distorted minds. The Sea of Mirrors, infinite in its depths, is thought by some scholars to be influenced by the sheer number of people attempting the challenge, possibly contributing to the great flood itself.   Omakhar's challenge remains a paradoxical legacy—an alluring and perilous test that has both enriched and ensnared the world's scholars. It serves as a testament to the god's subtle influence and the profound depths of his domain, the Sea of Mirrors. Scholars who undertake this ordeal are forever changed, their perceptions of fear, temptation, and self-control forever altered by the mysterious deity who calls the sea his own.

Divine Domains

Dim light, Courage, and Self-control, The Sea, and Knowledge.
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations