Orleanda's Haven


Orleanda's Haven, in ages past, stood as a magnificent temple dedicated to the goddess herself. It was a hallowed ground where countless generals, warriors, and rulers from the early eras of Maeon would converge, seeking any advantage that the divine could bestow upon them. In these sacred halls, prayers for victory, guidance, and protection reverberated through time. It was a place where mortals and gods connected in the pursuit of glory and righteousness.   However, the temple's fate took a drastic turn during the tumultuous Elven Yuan-Ti conflict, which forever altered the course of Maeon's history. Orleanda and her sister, Sphyxa, who shared divinity over this land, found themselves locked in a fierce and bitter dispute. Their disagreement reached such a crescendo that it led to Orleanda'  withdrawal from Saleth, effectively relinquishing her influence over the region. In her absence, Sphyxa assumed the role that Orleanda had once played.   Following the departure of the goddess, many of her temples and holy sites met various fates. Some were converted to centers of worship dedicated to Sphyxa, while others fell into disrepair, slowly crumbling into history's shadows. Orleanda's Haven, once resplendent and revered, was not spared from this decline. It, too, succumbed to neglect and decay, its grandeur fading over the centuries.   Yet, beneath the surface of this seemingly desolate temple, secrets awaited discovery. The Maeon Archeological and Encyclopedist Society, with its relentless pursuit of knowledge, embarked on daring expeditions into the temple's hidden depths. To their astonishment, they unveiled an untouched sanctuary that had remained concealed from the ravages of time. This untouched sanctum held the promise of untold riches, long-forgotten lore, and perhaps even the lingering presence of the goddess herself.   But mysteries lay in wait within those sacred depths. The inscriptions and symbols of Orleanda, once prevalent throughout the temple, had curiously vanished, replaced by enigmatic markings associated with Teark, another enigmatic deity. This enigma deepened the allure of Orleanda's Haven, spurring the society to further exploration in their quest to unveil the truths concealed within its ancient walls.
1300 BI
Founding Date
1600 BI
Alternative Names
Forgotten God's Respite, Den of Deals.
Parent Location