Oslev GentleOak

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the heart of Misty Willows , there resides a magnificent treant named Oslev GentleOak. Born from the divine touch of the god Darak òrdail, Oslev emerged as a guardian of nature and a beacon of wisdom. Towering over the woodland creatures, his massive form is adorned with moss, leaves, and the wisdom of several hundred years.   As the leader of The Circle of The Old Oak , Oslev is tasked with preserving the delicate balance between the natural world and the mortal realm. He is revered by his fellow guardians, who look to him for guidance and seek his counsel in matters of the earth. Under his watchful eye, the circle thrives, its members dedicating themselves to the protection and nurturing of the forest and its inhabitants.   Oslev possesses an innate connection to the land, able to communicate with animals, trees, and even the spirits that dwell within the woods. His voice resonates with the power of nature itself, capable of commanding the winds, summoning rain, and causing the earth to tremble when necessary. Yet, despite his immense strength, Oslev exudes a gentle and nurturing demeanor, ever mindful of the fragile balance that sustains life.   Known for his boundless compassion, Oslev lends aid to those who seek harmony with nature. Travelers and adventurers who enter his domain are met with both caution and curiosity. He watches their actions closely, assessing their intentions and their impact on the forest. Those who prove themselves worthy and show respect for the natural world are met with kindness and assistance, guided by Oslev's wise counsel.   However, should someone threaten the sanctity of the forest or engage in wanton destruction, they will face the wrath of Oslev GentleOak. The treant's fury is like the fury of nature unleashed, a force to be reckoned with. In such moments, he becomes an embodiment of the wrathful aspect of nature itself, defending the lands he holds sacred with unyielding determination.   As the treant's branches sway gently in the wind, he stands as a living testament to the divine gift bestowed upon him by Darak òrdail. Through his presence and guidance, Oslev GentleOak illuminates the path toward coexistence with the natural world, reminding all who encounter him of the profound bond between mortals and the wondrous tapestry of creation.
Lawful Good
Current Status
Protecting the Misty Willows.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
900 IE 400 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Given Life by Darak òrdail
Green Leaves
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
25 ft
2000 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Druidic, Common, Elven, Dwarven, Orcish, Draconic, Celestial, Sylvan