Rangda Queen of the Leyak

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Deep in the southern parts of Tra Bo, where the boundaries of civilization blur, lies a figure of darkness and power: Rangda, Queen of the Leyak. Once a member of the Vanara people, her thirst for arcane knowledge led her down a treacherous path that transformed her into a being of malevolent magic. Rangda was born amidst the Vanara, a race known for their agility, intelligence, and affinity for nature. Yet, her insatiable curiosity and ambition set her apart from her kin. Unsettled by the tranquil existence of her people, Rangda yearned for something more, something beyond the boundaries of their humble existence.   Driven by her desire for power and forbidden knowledge, Rangda embarked on a perilous journey. Deep within the hidden corners of ancient ruins and forbidden libraries, she uncovered ancient texts and relics that revealed the secrets of dark magic. Delving into forbidden rituals, she sought to unlock the arcane forces that lay dormant within her. As her pursuit of power grew more intense, Rangda's path took a twisted turn. She delved into the forbidden arts of necromancy, communing with spirits and harnessing the forces of death. Consumed by her hunger for immortality and control, she ventured further into the realms of darkness.   Through her relentless study and rituals, Rangda underwent a transformation, becoming a Leyak, a creature akin to a lich in Vanara folklore. Her body withered, and her soul bound to her mortal remains through dark magic. In this state, Rangda became an embodiment of malevolence, her beauty twisted into a visage of terror. Now, Rangda wanders the shadows, her power unmatched and her wrath feared by all who encounter her. She commands an army of loyal Leyak, creatures of darkness and malice, who carry out her bidding. With her formidable magical prowess, she seeks to expand her knowledge even further in order to ascend to a higher plane.   Legends speak of Rangda's insatiable hunger for magical artifacts and the souls of the living. She is said to haunt ancient ruins and forbidden forests, preying upon those foolish enough to cross her path. Her powers of manipulation and enchantment are renowned, luring unsuspecting victims into her clutches.


Rangda Queen of the Leyak


Towards The Baba Yaga


The Baba Yaga


Towards Rangda Queen of the Leyak



The Baba Yaga and Rangda are both powerful practitioners of Magic and are seen as Witches of similar skill and capability. Both women detest one another as each believes themselves to be the pinnacle of witchcraft in the realm of Maeon. The two have come to blows several times throughout their existence and will often employee foolish adventurers to act on each other’s behalf.

Lawful Evil
Current Location
Long White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Blue
Ruled Locations