

Strum-Heim, the Industrial Powerhouse, stands as a symbol of progress and wealth within the realm of Maeon. Founded by Halvdan The Black and Ahsa Zehsass, this plutocracy has risen to prominence through its relentless pursuit of industry and economic dominance. However, this success has come at a great cost to the environment and the well-being of its inhabitants.   As one approaches the city of Strum-Heim, a foreboding sight greets the eye. The skies above are perpetually shrouded in dark clouds, casting a shadow over the land below. These ominous clouds are a result of the relentless smog that engulfs the region, emanating from the constant spewing of coal fumes and industrial waste. The landscape itself is tainted, its once vibrant hues now transformed into a stark blackness.   Within the heart of Strum-Heim, the pulse of industry beats ceaselessly. Factories and foundries dominate the skyline, billowing smokestacks standing tall like sentinels of progress. The city thrives on manufacturing, producing a vast array of goods ranging from machinery and weapons to textiles and machinery. The constant hum of machinery and the clanking of metal create a cacophony that defines the nations identity.   The economy of Strum-Heim revolves around its unique currency, known as the Guilded Mark. These coins are remnants of scrap metal, shaped into crude coins and painted with a thin layer of gold. Within the borders of Strum-Heim, the Guilded Mark holds value and is accepted as a medium of exchange. However, its worth outside the city's borders is relatively low, as the rest of the world views it as a mere representation of the city's obsession with wealth and material possessions.   The ruling class of Strum-Heim, led by Xanthos Zehass, operates under a plutocratic system where wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of a privileged few. The rich and influential elite hold sway over the city's affairs, leveraging their economic might to shape policies and maintain control. The working class, on the other hand, toils tirelessly in the factories and mines, enduring harsh conditions and meager wages in exchange for their labor.   The environmental toll of Strum-Heim's industrial might is undeniable. The air is heavy with pollution, and the once fertile lands surrounding the city have turned barren and lifeless. The citizens suffer from the consequences of prolonged exposure to toxic fumes, enduring respiratory ailments and other health complications. Yet, the ruling elite turn a blind eye, driven solely by their pursuit of profit and power.   Despite its dark and gloomy facade, Strum-Heim stands as a testament to the capacity of industry to shape a nation. Its towering structures and bustling factories evoke a sense of awe, while its economy drives innovation and trade. However, the stark contrast between the opulence of the ruling class and the suffering of the working class casts a shadow over the nation's achievements.   As the smog continues to blanket the nation and the Guilded Marks exchange hands, the legacy of Strum-Heim stands as a stark reminder of the dangers of unbridled ambition.
Founding Date
1300 BI
Geopolitical, Country
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
The Gilded Mark - A coin made from spare metals and materials from the many factories of Strum-Heim. Outside of the borders of Strum-Heim it is worth the same amount as a silver coin. Although it is given an artificial golden sheen in an attempt to fool foreign traders or adeventurers. Many within the borders of Strum-Heim outside of the higher ranking officials belive the coin to be worth much more then the more unified currencies outside of the broders.   Saphire Disks - a form of currency that only owners of the many factories use. The members of the Strum goverment also induldge in the currency. It is made up of several rare gemstones found within some of the many mines around the nation. There is a very limited number of Disks due to the rarity of the material, as such a singular disk is equivelnt to several platinum.
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Myths


While trade between the two nations is needed, the people of Lycera suspect foul play by the Strum-Heimien representatives.