
Basic Information


The Svoba are a race of wasplike humanoids, Each member of the ancestry take on forms equivalent to different species of wasp.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Svoba have a form of pheromone communication between other members of their race. Outside of it, they have a innate form of telepathy which allows them to communicate with the other forms of life around Maeon.

Civilization and Culture


Forged by the divine hands of the goddess Larocia herself, the Svoba were intended to fulfill the vital role of protectors of nature, specifically the sprawling woodlands that grace the lands of Maeon. However, the goddess's aspirations for these creatures were met with unforeseen challenges, as their inherent aggression clashed with the harmony they were meant to uphold. The earliest incarnations of the Svoba proved to be unruly, indiscriminately attacking both beasts and humans alike, disrupting the very balance they were meant to preserve.   Yet, as the ages passed, a remarkable shift occurred within the Svoba's collective consciousness. Gradually, a higher form of sentience emerged among their ranks, prompting the formation of intricate underground hives where hundreds of these insectoid beings dwelled together. With time, their once-restless nerves appeared to find solace, granting them the capacity for cooperation and understanding when encountered by druids who ventured into their territory. A fragile harmony developed, allowing the Svoba and these nature-bound practitioners to coexist in a delicate alliance.   In the modern era, sightings of the Svoba within the bustling cities of Saleth are a rarity. These enigmatic beings, deeply attuned to the primal rhythms of the natural world, seldom venture beyond the comforting embrace of their lush forest dwellings or the intricate recesses of their hives. However, those intrepid few who do muster the courage to leave the confines of their arboreal abodes often find solace and purpose in the service of the goddess Sphyxa. As the traditional wasp holds a position of favor in Sphyxa's divine pantheon, the Svoba's kinship with this revered creature finds expression in their newfound dedication to the goddess and the subtle guidance she imparts upon their intricate existence.
About 50 years.
Average Height
Most Svoba are 7ft or taller
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution