The Carriorn King

Karv Daruk

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the harsh and unforgiving terrain ofThe Infernal Dust, where every breath is a struggle and every step a test of one's mettle, Karv's life began with immense suffering. His entry into the world was marked by several crippling ailments and deformities that immediately singled him out as an outcast within his tribe. In a world where strength and endurance were paramount, Karv was perceived as a burden, an embodiment of weakness that his own parents couldn't bear.   The cruelty of Karv's fate reached its zenith when his mother and father made the heart-wrenching decision to cast him adrift in the unforgiving sea of crimson sands. They hoped that the merciless beasts lurking in the Infernal Dust would swiftly claim their unfortunate child, sparing him a life of misery. It was a desperate act of survival for the tribe, a sacrifice of one for the sake of many. Contrary to all expectations, Karv defied the odds stacked against him. As an infant in the wilderness, he clung to life with a tenacity that belied his frail form. Starvation did not weaken his spirit; it ignited a fierce, primal instinct for self-preservation. Karv's jaws learned to fasten around the throats of those creatures that sought to make a meal of him, and with these acts, he earned his place as a survivor of the harsh landscape.   As he grew into adulthood, Karv's existence became entwined with the very essence of the Infernal Dust itself. A creature of instinct and raw power, he roamed the crimson wastelands, leaving behind a trail of fear and awe. Tales of the savage, the one who could not be tamed, spread like wildfire across the desert, attracting the attention of mercenaries and neighboring gnoll tribes alike. To those who encountered him, Karv was nothing short of a living nightmare. He was seen as a devil, a relentless force of death itself, wreaking havoc wherever he ventured. His actions were savage, his understanding of language nonexistent. He communicated through actions, through brutality, and through fear.   As the years passed, a gradual transformation overcame Karv. He began to grasp the rudiments of both common and gnollish languages. Instead of using this newfound knowledge solely for terror and destruction, he discovered the power of unity. Karv recognized the potential in those he had bested. He brought them into his fold, creating a growing faction in the unforgiving heart of the Infernal Dust. Taking the title of The Carrion King, he would utilize his growing number of hungry raiders to destroy or enslave the other survivors of the dust. He sits now on a throne of bones, waiting for a moment to cause terror beyond the crimson sands.
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Year of Birth
1270 IE 30 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown and Black Fur
Known Languages
Common, Undercommon, Gnollish