The Emerald Coast


The Emerald Coast, a shimmering stretch of sea nestled between the ominous expanse of the Green Cesspool and the rugged terrain of mainland Saleth, boasts an aura of mystique that has fascinated and daunted travelers for centuries. Its namesake is drawn from the peculiar shade of its waters, a mesmerizing green hue that beckons explorers and treasure hunters to its depths.   Beneath the tranquil surface of the Emerald Coast's emerald waters lie treasures coveted by many—a trove of precious gemstones, resplendent and untamed. These gems, concealed within the ocean's depths, gleam with a mesmerizing allure, casting fleeting emerald glimmers upon the sea's surface.   However, these aquatic gemstones do not yield themselves willingly. They are jealously guarded by a diverse array of marine creatures that have adapted to this unique environment. Among these guardians, the Goblin Shark reigns supreme. A creature of nightmarish appearance, the Goblin Shark's razor-sharp teeth and relentless pursuit make it a formidable sentinel of the gem-laden seabed.   The people of the neighboring nation of Lycera, known for their mastery of illusion magics, have developed a unique approach to both the creatures of the Emerald Coast and their bountiful catch. The sea life beneath the waves, shaped by the proximity to the Green Cesspool, is notoriously grotesque in appearance. The denizens of Lycera use their illusionary arts to cast deceptive veils over their harvested fish, rendering them more palatable to the eye and the palate. This cunning illusion magic allows them to feast upon the Emerald Coast's abundance while sparing themselves from the revolting visage of its original inhabitants.
Alternative Name(s)
The Emerald Sea, The Green Coast
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