The Infernal Dust

The Infernal Dust, a land of unforgiving desolation born from the malevolence of the demon lord Carach Angren, stands as a testament to the devastating power of dark forces in Maeon's history. Once a verdant expanse teeming with life, it was reduced to an arid desert by Carach Angren and his infernal and abyssal horde. They laid waste to the land, leaving nothing but crimson sands, barren dunes, and an eerie silence in their wake.   In the aftermath of the demon's defeat, the land began the slow process of healing. Those who had survived the demon lord's incursion became known as the Ashborn, their skin bearing the eerie ashen hue that served as a grim reminder of their traumatic past. These resilient individuals attempted to establish settlements in the harsh desert, with varying degrees of success.   One notable success story is the city-state of Serica . Nestled amidst the unforgiving terrain, Serica boasts a remarkable feat - the discovery of a vast underground reservoir of groundwater. This invaluable resource not only sustains the city's inhabitants but also attracts travelers from Avalor, Strum-Heim, Trà Bo, and Lycera who come to replenish their supplies before venturing further into the Infernal Dust. Additionally, unique spices thrive in the region surrounding Serica, contributing to its burgeoning trade.   Another thriving settlement, Lukka, graces the eastern coast of the Infernal Dust. Its strategic location along the coastline makes it a favored destination for ships from the other many powers of Saleth. Lukka is renowned for its abundant seafood and rich natural resources, making it a hub for maritime trade. Travelers appreciate the relative ease of reaching Lukka without having to brave the treacherous dust dunes that dominate the rest of the Infernal Dust.   However, not all city-states in this unforgiving land enjoy prosperity. Yafshal, once a thriving settlement, fell victim to the ruthless Gnollish army led by the The Carriorn King. The city was reduced to ruins and has since become a de facto base for these slavers. Disturbingly, reports suggest that the gnolls are growing in numbers and may be traveling south, possibly selling their captives to Strum-Heim or exploring the enigmatic depths of the Underdark. Amongst the dunes, the eerie sound of cackling may spell impending doom for those who encounter it.   Near the city-state of Serica lies a place known as the Rumbling Tunnels, a dread-inducing locale where few travelers return from. These tunnels are not what they seem, for they house a colossal superhive of Sand Bees, infernal counterparts to the bees found in other regions of Maeon. With their menacing red and black exoskeletons, these parasitic creatures are known for producing honey that induces powerful hallucinations. Despite the risks, some dare to seek this bizarre delicacy.   Periodically, a peculiar legend circulates among the local nomads of the southern Infernal Dust. They speak of an otherworldly, glowing market that materializes, drawing spirits from the realms of the dead, infernals, and celestials alike. Goods exchanged in this spectral market become tangible for any daring mortal who enters, yet the prices demanded are often of a spiritual nature and require great sacrifice.
Alternative Name(s)
The Ashen Ocean
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