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The Ziarunch charau-ka are found in the equatorial darklands of irralish.
  Unlike their rimward cousins, the Ziarunch have formed powerful nations to hold their territory against their aggressive neighbours. These nations fight against each other as much as a against their other enemies, uniting only when a Gorilla King rises to supremacy. These unified tribes quickly fall to infighting when the Gorilla King is slain and new Ziarunch nations rise in the aftermath.
  Despite their disunity, the Ziarunch hold their lands through jungle supremacy. None can challenge these charau-ka in their natural habitat. They move through the branches like fish through water, raining death from above on invaders and never giving a chance for retaliation.
  Ziarunch society is primarily hunter-gather and tribes will forage across significant areas to gain the necessary food for survival and for the tithes to their lords. Ziarunch cities are sustained by taking slaves to maintain agriculture to support the dense population within the walls. Unsatisfactory slaves soon find themselves as the meal rather than the crops they would have worked.


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