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Dark Fey

From the Book of Dark Fey

  • In this book, there will be sections dedicated to evil Fey creatures – ranging from mischievous to diabolical, that exist within the Feywild.
  • Passages suggest that these creatures have no means to really influence this realm – this is due to MANY actions taken by individuals in and out of the Feywild. Even those who seek to harm this realm can only do so by proxy – whether it be an artifact or “deliverer” – a creature in this realm who is performing actions that allow the dark fey to grow in power. These ‘deliverers’ are typically humans tricked into some sort of one-sided deal, whether that be for power, fame, or revenge.
  • If the deliverer is killed, this will prevent the Dark Fey entity from growing in power, but it will not stop the entity altogether.
  • Dark Fey who enter this realm typically leave their mark in the form of a “corruption” or “consumption”. This necrotic energy consumes everything in its path, but cannot grow beyond the influence of the creature itself.
  • This corruption can also be purified with fire or radiant light. Or in some rare instances, the corruption can take the form of a creature. Killing the creature will, in turn, remove the corruption.
  • It is also noted that if the corruption is great enough – a Gulthias Tree might sprout. These trees, if left unchecked, can produce Blights – plant-like creatures tainted with extreme evil.

Verdant Princes

  • Cruel and manipulative, Verdant Princes are considered 'evil monarchs' in the Feywilds. They love to make bargains with desperate individuals, particularly those who wander into their domain. 
  • Always male, these creatures have incredible magical abilities. What makes them particularly dangerous is the amount of power they hold over individuals they make bargains with. They possess the innate ability to take revenge on people who break bargains, through a process called an 'Oath Bond'. If an Oath Bond is broken, the Verdant Prince will know immediately, and will know the distance and direction of the wrongdoer. He can then cast a terrible curse on the individual, typically making them critically ill. He will then proceed to torture and punish the oath breaker for as long as he can.
  • Although 'The Corrupted Entity' has similar qualities to a Verdant Prince, there are some fundamental differences.  Most notably, the Entity appears more child-like and insecure than a Verdant Prince, who historically are considered extremely confident and egotistical.


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