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Severed Oak Camp

After cutting through some deep paths in the woods, you make your way to an initial round of rugged tents, each one blending harmoniously within the surrounding snow-covered landscape. The camp appears strategically situated between a rather dense part of the forest and the towering mountains to the south, which seem to serve as natural barriers, offering both protection and an imposing backdrop.     The crisp air that was once filled with the chill of winter gives way to a rather horrid stench – a mixture of wet mud, blood, and burning meat. You watch as seasoned orc hunters move through the camp with purpose, their furs and leathers adorned with trophies from past hunts. They look at you in the same way you’d imagine hunters would view a meal – both with anticipation and dark intent. Additional orcs slowly make their way out of the camp itself, emerging from structures crafted from weathered wood and hides that have likely withstood many years of abuse. Tents are interspersed among the trees, and the occasional smoke rises from central hearths.   In the distance, the sounds of communal rituals and chanting become clearer. They appear to be originating from a colossal oak tree in the distance that you can just barely make out.  

Severed Oak Tree

  At the center of the encampment stands a colossal oak tree, its massive trunk weathered by decades of exposure to the elements. Its branches have been meticulously removed, leaving a skeletal silhouette against the wintry sky. The remaining bark bears intricate carvings depicting orcish religious symbols, illustrating the camp's spiritual significance. Orcish shamanistic totems and banners flutter in the icy breeze. Adjacent to the massive oak tree at the heart of the orc encampment lies a solemn and sacred tribunal area, bordered with seven massive, ancient stones arranged in a circular pattern. Each stone, weathered and adorned with runic carvings, appears to serve as a seat for the six individuals who form a council, with a leader at the forefront. The ground within the circle is packed snow, trodden upon by generations of orcs who have convened here for important discussions.   The six seats are positioned equidistant from each other, forming a symbolic unity. Each shaman's seat is unique, reflecting their individual experiences and spiritual prowess. Animal hides, feathers, and ritualistic items drape the backrests.   The leader's seat, elevated slightly higher than the others, commands a view of the entire circle. Behind the leader's seat, a large totem carved with symbols of storm stands proud, reinforcing the authority and spiritual connection of the council.
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