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The Duke Papaya

  • Although heavily referenced, The Duke isn't formally introduced until Chapter 11, where he is seen whispering orders to Dalton.
  • The Duke is responsible for the reclamation of the forest, issuing orders for all creatures in the Mahia Forest to report to Hygrim for interrogation. He has since ordered the Triple Fang to build outposts and towers across the forest, claiming it is all in service to protecting the town.
  • The Duke is famous for instituting a competitor-heavy trading environment in Hygrim. Those who do not see sufficient sales will be removed and replaced from the market.

Ruler of Hygrim. From a long line of traders and merchants, Francis Papaya has spent his considerable wealth on protecting Hygrim and his family. Spends his days held up in his mansion, giving orders to both the town guard and the Triple Fang.

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