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The Weaver

History / Lore

  • A lesser-known deity who is a child of Oberon, the fey deity of nature, wild places, and animals.
  • The Weaver is considered the deity of seasons, change, and evolution. Their symbol is that of a tree that loses life (leaves and branches) as it progresses left to right. They appear as a Eladrin, with fluid representations of all four seasons.
  • Similar to other deities, their true name has never been spoken. It is said their name is only known to Oberon. Similar to their father, The Weaver is considered royalty but in reality has little to no political authority in the Seelie Court. It is speculated that The Weaver is not a child born from Oberon and Queen Titania, which is why The Weaver is so unknown.
  • Unlike the other deities, The Weaver is more of an observer. Their powers and abilities are unknown, although drawings of the deity show it wielding a large bow – hinting that they are a powerful hunter.

Initial Contact with Party

  • The Weaver is first introduced in Chapter 5, when the party unknowingly enters the Feywild.
  • The Weaver's home is a forest within the Feywild that embodies all four seasons, with a dedicated season for each slice.
  • As The Weaver moves and talks, its body is constantly changing shape, making the true appearance of the deity more of a flow than a constant.
  • Upon meeting the group, it takes responsibility for the aggression of the Fey that had wandered into Mahia Forest. It notes that it is responsible for overseeing the Mahia forest, as its connection to the Feywild is key. Because of this, any threat to the forest is considered an enemy.
  • The Weaver is also the first being to understand the extent of the forest's corruption. It notes that everything started shortly after Jonas was murdered, yet something has prevented her from being able to see exactly who it is. It believes this is the ultimately the responsibility of another powerful creature, but that individual remains a mystery.
  • The Weaver takes particular interest in Jade, unlocking her true connection with the Feywild. It also helps Tina unlock her connection with the elements around her. Finally, it gives Grendira a unique flower, the purpose of which is unknown.
  • Before departing, The Weaver instructs the party about the Noresha Monks, who created powerful relics that could fight against the corruption.
  • The Weaver was also seen with a massive spirtual wolf, who it referred to as 'Hygrim'.

Second Contact with Party

  • The group is summoned to speak with The Weaver while exploring the Twilight Grove. When encountering the 'Weaver Tree', the party was able to unlock a doorway that led them straight back to The Weaver.
  • In this interaction, The Weaver was overjoyed that the part had completed their first task. Showing some level of trust, The Weaver wished to share the knowledge it had gathered about the Corrupting Entity.
  • The players learn more about The Corrupting Entity, including its connection with powerful Feys known as 'Verdant Princes' and their 'Oath Bonds' with humanoids. Although the exact identity of the creature is unknown, The Weaver instructs the party to find and eliminate the human bound to the Oath Bond. It suggests that this human is likely very desperate and still in Hygrim.
  • The Weaver also further explores the connection between the Corrupting Entity and Grendira. By touching Grendira's mind, The Weaver can see that Grendira made some sort of deal with the creature - but the memory of that deal has been erased. (See more about this in the 'Corrupting Entity' entry).
  • The Weaver then gives Jade a blessing for her loyalty - a bit of its power that can be used to help rebuild the Twilight Grove once the corruption is removed.

A Fey Eladrin demigod with the power of all four seasons. Its very nature if fluid - as it talks and moves both its voice and appearance alter drastically. Little is known about The Weaver, outside of its desire to protect the Mahia Forest from all threats. It has a soft-spot for those it deemed are 'fey-touched', believing that they can be mentored and trained to be protectors of the forest.

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