Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!

Arcane Scryer

To see beyond sight, in another place, in another world... isn't that a marvelous thing?   Such a shame we cannot yet grasp the magics which built them.   One day...
— Nimai researcher
  Arcane scryers are objects of great power which permit their user to see beyond the mortal plane. Nimai relics of old, only a scant few of these objects remain, and none have found a way to replicate them.

Powering the Scryers

Powerful technologies of arcane or other magical origin often require specialized fuel sources to effectively power and use. One of these fuel sources is known as leyline fibre, which can be gathered at leyline emergences.   These fibers exist in many forms, specifically in as many forms as there are leylines, and the type of fiber is important when powering different technologies such as these. In order to properly power an arcane scryer, fibres gathered from the arcane leyline are required.


The Celestial Observatory

The most notable of these arcane scryers is located within the Crown of Ilektor. A sacred space for the Valsheri Nimata, the great spire offers access to an arcane scryer which acts as a window into the cosmos.   Many Valsheri journey to this celestial observatory to partake in rituals which open the mind, often imparting ancient knowledge of the world they inhabit, for those found worthy.

There are many windows into what lies beyond our sight.


The Many Planes

Not every arcane scryer is built the same, and not every one offers vision of the same planes. There are those which offer sight into the cosmos, the infinite well of history and knowledge, those which delve into the elemental planes, sources of primal power within Malkora, and those which see deeper into the leylines than even the Nimata are innately able to see. Others exist, but no more can be constructed until their secrets are uncovered.
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Dawnbringer — GM Secrets

Cover image: by Strixxline


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