Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!

Bringer of Dawn

The travels of Kora the Dawnbringer and her illustrious party of fellow champions of Vosra are surrounded in myth and speculation. Knowing that Kora once walked the realm as a mortal herself, those who know her now as a deity often seek out understanding of her path from mortal woman to Ascended.   Most stories about Kora and her companions are known as tales from the end of the world, as theirs was a transition from one age to another, the former of which was quite nearly the end of the world as all mortals knew it. Though their travels and exploits spared the world this fate, ushering in a new age of life, rather than the impending destruction once at hand, it is well understood that Malkora stood at a treacherout precipice at that time.   Of the many myths pulled from this era, that which stands highest in the hearts of the people is one known as Bringer of Dawn. When the world stared the hopeless dark in the face, it was the prayers of Kora which brought Hope to the realm, or so the myth says. In this account, often told as a bedtime story or an inspiring tale, the coming of Vosra was spurred solely by the Dawnbringers's desperate call, inspired by her inability to forsake hope in even the darkest of days. This sits in contrast to other myths which claim that Vosra appeared of her own accord, or was formed unconsciously through the collective hopes of all who believed the way Kora did.   The Bringer of Dawn myth states that Kora's hope was the catalyst, and her influence the force by which Vosra gained her power. In effect, this myth sought to bring empowerment to the mortal heart and individual effort, a theme commonly spread by the Church of Dawn in their preaching and songs, in an effort to uplift the populations who once experienced the despair of lost hope.
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Cover image: by Strixxline


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