Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!


The Danicians are the people who reside in the Melocazh Barrens, so named for the region's historical name of Danicasus. As the living conditions in the Barrens worsen, Danician refugees seek aid from Aurel, only to be turned away.   The people of the Melocazh Barrens lived their lives fairly removed from the influence of Aurel, many having never set foot within the city-state itself, let alone seen it as anything more than a speck on the horizon. They led self-sustaining lives that relied little on trade beyond their nearest settlements, and survived well on the lands in Arsavela's southern region for generations. Many who reside within the Melocazh have yet to even learn of the changing of their region's name in official record, thus referring to themselves and to their homes as Danician — though those in the north would now know them to be Melocazhi.   The lands occupied by the Danicians, throughout history, have mimicked the Northlands in clime and fertility; some claimed that they rivaled the Harvest Belt in output and quality for generations before recent events bade the land to change. Where once the Danicians thrived on their beautiful lands which provided food and resources aplenty, a change began to transform their fertile soils into loose sands that picked up in storms at regular intervals. Where rolling grasslands once dominated the landscape, dunes began to creep over them as husks of their former forms.   Many Danicians attempted to adapt to these changes, though the change was too stark for most to handle. As the sands began to sweep away settlements, burying them in cutting sands, the only recourse many found was to migrate north into the Savelan Northlands and the Harvest Belt, where they could feel some form of familiarity with their landscape and secure a safe residence in the wake of their home's destruction.
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Cover image: by Strixxline


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