Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!

Dawnmender Accord

The gentlest of hands lifted my crumpled form from the impact site, shattered bones grinding against their soft touch in spite of their attentive care. If I could only hear the words passing their lips; I saw them moving with what little vision my eyes afforded me. I felt a wave of warmth wash over me in that moment. I felt hope.   I awoke after weeks, I was told, with only a dull ache in my bones. What a miracle it was to have escaped with only the ache.
— Survivor, aided by the Dawnmender Accord
  The Dawnmender Accord is a branch of the Church of Dawn known for its composition of medics, healers, and clerics. Their mission is to travel the world, following great disasters wherever they strike, lending aid and bringing hope to those who have been impacted and cannot escape tragedy.   Specializing in medicine and healing practices, most members of this sect of the church are themselves doctors, war-medics, and herbalists, among many others. There are many among the ranks who simply provide their aid to the cause, whether through clerical duties or sheer manpower, though much aid is provided to the Dawnmenders by other sects of the church, such as the Dawnwardens and Voices of Hope who rarely stray far from the Dawnmenders in their travels.   The formation of the Dawnmender Accord was inspired by the travels of Kora, the Dawnbringer and the effects she had on the lands she visited in her time as a champion of Vosra. Though the Church of Dawn itself predates Kora and the others who traveled with her, the sects now known to the Church came long after, past the turning of the new age. The Voices of Hope came first, branching off from the Church's original purpose of the worship of hope incarnate. The Dawnmender Accord formed a while after, as battle did not simply evaporate in the defeat of the darkness which plagued the realm. The Dawnwardens were formed shortly after, in the same mindset; the church quickly found that its first two sects were vulnerable in their travels and needed a strong defensive force in order to succeed in their journeys.
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Cover image: by Strixxline


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Aug 22, 2024 13:36

They sounds like a really cool group :)

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