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Fairmarket Stalls

Fairmarket stalls are temporary structures erected by traveling merchants who seek to conduct business in Aurel's Fairmarket district for only a short time before resuming their travels.   Many businesses in Fairmarket occupy permanent structures, whether they be proper buildings, some even with multiple stories, or carefully constructed stalls which remain as they are even as different merchants rotate in and out of them throughout the seasons. Some stalls, however, are temporary, utilized for only a short time, then deconstructed. This practice of maintaining ephemeral stalls is said to keep the streets clean and prevent the market from looking too empty in times when fewer merchants arrive to trade in Aurel.   The structures used to set up these stalls in Fairmarket are owned by the district and remain in city storage until they are needed, often being left at rest in warehouses or behind buildings out of sight from those who walk the streets and markets. Some merchants travel with their own stall materials, ranging from full structures to banners and flags to be hung from the borrowed structures rented from the city. The fee to use fairmarket stalls owned by the city is modest, though it has risen over time, prompting many merchants with the means to do so, to arrive bearing their own stalls that they can install and remove upon their arrival and departure from the trade district.   There are designated zones in which fairmarket stalls can be erected, so as to not clog the streets with merchants and their wares, often fitting snugly between buildings or in small squares in which numerous merchants can line up their stalls in an aesthetically pleasing formation. These stalls are often quite plain, unless their users bring with them the decorations and banners appropriate to marketing their wares or identifying their storefronts. Banners and ribbons are all but essential, in the eyes of many, to draw the eye of customers, who otherwise might turn a blind eye to an unadorned and drab wooden stall.
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Cover image: by Strixxline


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