Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!

Fenya Leovan

Fenya Leovan was one of the heads of the Leovan family's southern estate, located in the Melocazh Barrens.

Lady of Trade

Her authority was largely over the maintenance of trade and travel routes in and out of the southern lands of the Kingdom of Arsavela, and it was her responsibility to ensure routes remained safe and operational at all times.

Making Time

As a leader of the Leovan family, she was a strict and stoic woman, known to always have business on the mind and never truly allowed herself time to rest when a task was at hand. She was a rare sight at the northern estate, rarely finding the time to make the trip up to the Northlands to visit her family in the Harvest Belt; however, when her dealings took her to the nearby city of Aurel, she would always make time to visit her family before making the journey back home again.

Lost to the Sands

When the sands began to overtake the southern settlements and the lands around them, Fenya was one of many who elected to stay behind as evactuations began, in an effort to continue her maintenance of the routes leading out of the region. She reasoned that, without her diligence, those roads would be buried in but moments, and none would escape at all. This was an accurate gauge of the situation, though the sands quickly grew too aggressive for even her efforts to make a difference — by the time rescue parties returned to the southern estate to ensure her safe evacuation, it was too late to make any form of safe passage into the north.

Lurking Below

Stirrings within the Leovan estate were observed by rescue parties, as they investigated the sand-buried buildings left behind in the evacuations, but these were waved off as the sounds of the raging sands outside. Interiors of buildings were in disarray, destruction of the structure itself was uncharacteristic of the storms outside, as rends and tears were found in the many fabrics and pieces of furniture, with great holes forming in walls resembling tunnels. True tunnels were soon to be discovered in the buildings' lowest levels, the largest of the tunnels being found within Fenya's own home, the great manor which housed the Leovan's southern family heads.   None have returned from the tunnels who dared venture within, and none contine to press for their investigation.
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Cover image: by Strixxline


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