Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!


Almost too beautiful to destroy, I'll tell you. Hurts me every single time I have to burn a missive. I suppose that keeps the beauty of it, eh? You know they're all temporary, and it's never more evident than when you see that paper burning away in the flames...   Why is it the fleeting things that are the most beautiful in this world?
— Umbragolde runner
  Golderune is the name given to an incredibly intricate form of code developed by Eren Mariste that used by the Umbragolde guild of Terramarre.

High Priority

Any message written in Golderune is of crucial note, or its secrecy is beyond essential. Umbragolde will often resort to using other, less intense ciphers to transmit secret messages of lesser importance, leaving only the highest stakes information to Golderune.

Intricate and Stunning

Those who receive missives and intelligence written in Golderune have expressed that there was an artistry to each cipher, as though each communication was artfully drawn to impress, as much as it was to inform. As a guild with a reputation for lacking much flair and dramatics, this aesthetically stunning cipher almost seems to contradict the guild's more modest public appearance.   Each cipher is a blended mix of imagery and language, often customized based on who is meant to receive the message. It plays on the subtext that only the desired recipient may begin to understand, and this art cannot be mastered except by someone with an impossibly large store of information and connections which have been studied and understood.

The most beautiful things in this life are often fleeting in nature, and rarely observed.

Used by
Umbragolde   Invented by
Eren Mariste

Born to Burn

No documents written in Golderune every survive beyond reaching their intended reader. To ensure that the cipher system remains a secret and is incredibly difficult to forge, the messages are burned the moment they have served their purpose. Few have tried to evade this crucial rule of the guild, and each has paid their price for doing so.
Want Secrets?
Certain articles may have additional secrets for GMs — pick the role that suits you!
Seeker — Player Knowledge
Dawnbringer — GM Secrets

Cover image: by Strixxline


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