Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!

Lavender Rebellion

The Lavender Rebellion is a group of Savelan faithful of the goddess Levje who strive to preserve their right to worship their goddess freely, even as the Alabaster Hand works to discourage the act.   The lavender rebellion has been the primary supporter and source of encouragement for the people of Arsavela to continue creating fieldblues prayer ornaments, crafting objects of prayer and worship from the native flora known to be much beloved by Levje.   Observing the old myths and tales of Levje and Kora's mortal connection as fabled lovers, many members of this movement are staunch supporters of visible and bold displays of sapphic love, leading to an association of fieldblues with not only faith but of love and tender appreciation. They have caused stonegrass lavender to become a symbol commonly used by women and girls to express affection for one another, both romantic and platonic. This differs between the different regions of the Kingdom of Arsavela, but many associate stonegrass lavender of blue hues to be indicative of a romantic interest, while those of a greener hue are associated with friendship and support.   Though the Alabaster Hand has claimed otherwise, and has made no mention at making the practice illegal, they have shown a distaste for those who display their faith in Levje loudly and openly, as the people always have throughout the city's history. This rebellion has fought back against this shifting attitude as civilly as possible without having to compromise their faith.   The Lavender rebellion is no official movement or group, but city officials have come to identify them as such as they speak on the subject outside the sight of the public. The city seeks to quiet the movement, but lacks the knowledge of how to do so without destabilizing the people — which would certainly happen should they openly seek to rip the beloved goddess from their subjects' hands, just as they did with their beloved queen. They knew that the people could remain complacent taking a beloved figure from them once, but not a second time.
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Cover image: by Strixxline


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Aug 7, 2024 21:44 by Jeffrey Lebowski

Love a good decentralized rebellion! Hopefully the followers of Levje can continue to cement themselves against the Alabaster Hand.

Aug 8, 2024 03:57 by Marjorie Ariel

This article gives me hope. I live in a place where I, and others I know, do not always feel comfortable expressing themselves openly, so it gives me courage to see people finding ways to do this, even in fiction.

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