Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!

Leyline Emergence

Leylines flow through Malkora in every corner of the world, in an interconnected web of magical energy. When these traveling energies venture off course, bubbling and bursting to the world's surface, the sudden influx of magic they cause are known as leyline emergences.

Lands Ever Altered

Regions within Malkora all have their own natural states, with true climates formed through millennia of change and development of the natural world. From its mountains and valleys, the plains and deserts, to the oceans and all the dark places within, many formations yet stand in which the leylines played no part in creating. However, their magical influence has since shifted a great many of these climates and geographic forms into unrecognizable and forever-changed lands — altered long after the emergence has come and passed, its magic long returned deep within the earth.   Mountains now stand where once flat land reigned, great bodies of water fill what once was dry earth, and the most mundane regions find themselves awash with wonders and horrors alike, all drawn forth by the energies of the leylines.

Wheel of Change

Each leyline has its own unique effects on the lands in which it may appear, and likewise each leyline can produce a broad range of effects. Emergences themselves are unpredictable in when and how they arise, and their range of effects make them even less predictable, as simply knowing that one is soon to appear does little to prepare the mind for what is to come as a result.   Multiple leylines may emerge simultaneously within the same location, causing an even wider range of effects as their aetheric properties intermingle and effect the world around them in different ways. These effects may come in a balance, or in total disproportion, but rarely do leylines combine in such a way without creating massive foundational change to the regions around them.
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Cover image: by Strixxline


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