Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!


She walked this path many times before, and we continue to walk it for her. We can do no greater disservice to her than to let her home fall to ruin once again.
— Logor priestess of Nhaderys
  Logor is the village in which Mal'kor lived out her early life, prior to answering her calling, taking the Champions' Pact, and beginning her fateful journey.


Icy Grip of Darkness

Like many presently-standing settlements from the days of the Nameless Era of Malkora, the village fell to ruin in ages past, only to be revived after the coming of Nhaderys and the victory over darkness.   Logor was the last holdout of surviving members of Mal'kor's race before the world's revival, and only several crumbling tribes remained. It was a hopeless place, of a people bordering on extinction. Even when hope began to show itself, many were too lost within their own despair to allow themselves to believe in it.

Light and Hope

When Mal'kor's quest succeeded, and each of the Champions of Nhaderys successfully led their forces to victory, the darkness receded from the land and new life came to the village and surrounding lands. Over time, the withering populations grew healthier, stronger, and tribes grew. The village of Logor was rebuilt and slowly expanded, now standing as a modest-sized city.

Perhaps one of the holiest cities of Nefyran, and one of the simplest.


Home of a Saint

Most inhabitants of the continent of Nefyran know Mal'kor to be a saint, for her role in the revival of Malkora and the end of the Nameless Era. Those who inhabit the northern reaches of Nefyran where Logor is located hold the local territories sacred, preserving and maintaining the lands Mal'kor roamed prior to the events which shaped her destiny.   Because of this, despite Logor's continued growth, the predominant culture of the region has largely stayed traditionally tribe-focused. Preserving the lands Mal'kor walked seems to also include preserving the lifestyle of the beginning of the era.
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Dawnbringer — GM Secrets

Cover image: by Strixxline


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