Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!

Melocazh Cliffs

We held the tattered cloths of our family banners over our eyes and mouths as we took step after treacherous step through the ruined roads which once carried prosperity to our gates.   When we found ourselves beyond the cutting sands, we uncovered our eyes to find our number to have been gravely reduced. In spite of our grief, we carried onward.
— Leovan survivor
  The Melocazh Cliffs rest between the Melocazh Barrens and the Savelan Northlands, acting as a barrier between the easternmost points of these two subregions of the Kingdom of Arsavela.

Cutting Sands

Once a habitable zone with promise comparable to the Harvest Belt, the Melocazh Cliffs are now a dusty and unlivable region plagued by frequent sandstorms and droughts. This change in climate came suddenly; though mild at first, dangerous new weather patterns arose and grew in severity, continuing still to worsen.

Home of the Leovan

This subregion within the Melozcazh Barrens was once home to the lost Savelan settlement formerly known as Eastend. This frontier settlement was among the first, and later the largest, to occupy the lands below the Savelan Northlands, and acted as a secondary home to one of the Harvest Belt's most influential families. The Leovan Estate could once be found split into two, occupying both their plot at the southern foot of Aurel, and their secondary plot in Eastend.

East, Ended

The Leovan family managed roads and trade routes in the northern reaches of the Melocazh, extending their reach over time to the lands farther south, which granted them high recognition as a major trading power in Arsavela until the routes grew too dangerous to maintain. Over time, southern trade routes grew too precarious for the average traveler, then too much even for professionals with specialized transport, leading to their abandonment.   Eastend would quickly lose contact with the southern settlements, and shortly after would the settlements of the Northlands lose contact with Eastend. The loss of this settlement is surrounded by myth and mystery, but few are inclined to make the journey to investigate.
Prided home of the Leovan family, itself brought to a ruin it now brings to the Kingdom of Autumn
Northern Nefyran

Ill Effect
The sandstorms which have become so commonplace in this region and in the lands of the southern Melocazh now send coarse sands further and further north into the Savelan Northlands, threatening the precious farmlands which surround Aurel.   This phenomenon has been named the Dessicated Sands by residents of the Northlands.
Great Migration
Residents of the lands south of the Harvest Belt have begun a migration into the north, spreading between the Savelan Northlands and Brineveil Forest, with only a privileged few taking up new residence in the capitol city-state of Aurel.   Those who yet remain within the storming cliffs and the lands beyond are forced to choose between adapting to this harsh new climate or perishing within it.
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Cover image: by Strixxline


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