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Primal Communion

Primal Communion is a ritual in which the spiritual leaders of Kamigon commune with the primals which preside over Bolkan.   In Kamigon's history, conflicts have risen and fallen throughout each stage of the city's development. It's most destructive, threatening to destroy the city and its foundations and people, was the Seething Primal Insurrection. Primals arose in opposition of the city's settlement, resenting its transition from migratory and nomadic practices to a set and settled city, bringing great destruction to its structures, infiltrating the city using the people within. Primals in opposition to these antagonistic kin rose in support of the city's Speakers, allowing them a push towards victory and recovery. Following the Seething Primal Insurrection, the Speakers Council of Kamigon regularly communes with the city's primal allies in an effort to maintain the friendly relationship established during the old conflict.   These rituals come in the form of prayer, active discussion, and worship — though the latter is often dismissed by the primals, who are not as keen as the gods are to be worshiped and revered on a grand scale. The Speakers of Kamigon open the channel of communication with Bolkan's primals for guidance in leadership, and in the steering of their city's future, ensuring that their actions, activities, and future expansions do not come to anger the primals with whom they share their land. With the Speakers' proven dedication to cohabiting peacefully with the local entities, the primals which have historically lent their aid to the Kamini people continue to do so, pleased with the partnership which has been established between them.   These communions are conducted at regularly scheduled intervals, and are private affairs. The public is not permitted to observe or contribute to discussions, and the results of the communions are seldom discussed in great detail, even with the other leaders of Kamigon, beyond the Speakers Council.
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Cover image: by Strixxline


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