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Scribes Parchment Weight

Parchment weights are devices commonly found in libraries and other paper-rich establishments which keep stacks of parchment flat, clean, and secured.   In the autumn breezes, stacks of paper in Arsavela are ever unsafe from the threat of displacement, to face the horror of a dusty floor or a puddle in the streets, should they blow through an open window. Many important documents have met their end in this way, and thus weights of all forms have been devised to prevent this cruel and destructive fate.   Most paperweights in Aurel tend to be mundane objects, many opting to use other books to hold down their pages while reading, or to weigh down their stacks of paperwork. Other common forms of paperweights found in Arsavela may be large river stones, washed and flattened at their bottoms to provide stability, or simple wooden sculptures crafted from the scraps of heavier woods set to be discarded or set aside for firewood by lumber mills. Both of these may be seen engraved with names or prayers, as the people customize their items to their liking.   In the interest of frugality, few opt to purchase objects which act as dedicated paperweights, though scribes of means will often be seen using objects crafted for the task, often from fine metals shaped into forms pleasing to the eye. The nobility of Aurel were very fond of their "miniature sculptures," as they were often called by scholars of lesser means, often displaying their most intricate paperweights as a show of their wealth by placing them atop single leaves of paper in view of visitors. Subtle as it was, this practice was often performed in the interest of showing visitors that they had little need for functional objects, and seldom had need of dealing with the mundane task of paperwork. Their stacks of parchment were clearly elsewhere, the responsibility set in someone else's less fortunate hands.
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Cover image: by Strixxline


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