Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!

Tenilon Duarte

(Author Note: There may be content within this article that is considered GM knowledge (Dawnbringer content) which wasn't filtered during the SummerCamp writing rush. Read accordingly!)

There is great power to be found throughout this world, but so many remain blissfully unaware of the land's innate magical qualities...
  Tenilon Duarte is a librarian who manages a small historical archive within the city of Aurel, in the Kingdom of Arsavela.

Recordkeeper of Arsavela

There are few brighter minds in all of Aurel, or even the whole of Arsavela than Tenilon Duarte. Lover of knowledge and large hats, the aging librarian is known to be a quiet soul, ever at work in his humble archive.

Formerly Royal

Prior to the deposition of the Arsaces Monarchy, Tenilon was the royal family's academic advisor and held the secondary position of royal cartographer of Castle Amsa. His primary role as academic advisor involved a great deal of travel, in search of knowledge and texts which would benefit the royal family and provide a quality education for children of the monarchy. The archives located within Castle Amsa grew great under his diligent care, becoming an impressive repository of worldly knowledge, in spite of Arsavela's relatively sheltered nature.   When the Alabaster Hand wrested power of the kingdom from the broken monarchy, many academic roles within the castle were terminated — including Tenilon's both. While vacating the castle following the loss of his status, he was not able to take with him any of the extensive collection from within the archives, nor guarantee its safety any longer.

Preservation of History

Fearing the worst for his prized collection, built over years of travel and study, the sly cartographer did manage to vacate the castle with several priceless tomes and maps in hand without being detected by the Alabaster Hand. Now finding his own footing out in the city, beyond the walls of the Alabaster Terrace, Tenilon keeps his own archive in the Fairmarket district.   He endeavors to maintain an educated populace, in spite of the Alabaster Hand's inclination towards destroying the hard-earned resources once curated by Tenilon and other scholars of the Monarchy in Castle Amsa.
by Strixxline
Kingdom of Arsavela
Academic Advisor (former)
Royal Cartographer (former)
Library Duarte
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Cover image: by Strixxline


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Aug 6, 2024 21:11 by Annie Stein

It's always nice to see a fantasy world with librarians, especially one such a top notch hat!

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