Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!

The Holy Gaslight

As the world changes around those who once resided in Arsavela's southern lands, refugees at Aurel's gates are faced with the staunch denial of any danger or change by the kingdom's leaders. The longer this continues, the more the Savelan people grow restless and uneasy.
Refugees from the Melocazh Barrens are arriving en masse to take shelter in the Northlands in numbers wholly unsustainable to the settlements beyond Aurel's gates, though several have opened their doors to as many as they were able. Among them, Leovan led the charge in this effort, though their efforts were largely placed in the mission of ensuring the safety of their family residing within the southern lands. As the situation grew more dire, they found themselves taking in more than simply their own kin, but those of neighboring settlements as well.   Their efforts in petitioning the Alabaster Hand for aid, to allow the refugees access to the city for housing and security went largely unheard by Aurel's leadership. Representatives from the Harvest Belt who requested these audiences, only to be denied, left the city dumbfounded as the Hand denied the phenomenon they had witnessed with their own eyes. There was denial of the sands, of lost homes and settlements, and of any need for migration; many were told to return home without delay, which refugees cried out to be a death sentence.   Unrest grows in the lands surrounding Aurel, as many displaced Danicians begin forming theories and spreading rumors of the Hand's true intent. Many say that they have a hatred for those who occupy the southern lands, caring little for their health and safety. Their lands were once named for the beloved queen the Hand had deposed and thus, though they gave the region a new name, their enmity for the region continued to burn.   Defenders of the Hand and their decision have come up with few, if any, excuses for their perspective. Many offered the notion that they simply haven't seen it for themselves, and that they would come to their senses soon. With time, however, the people's opinion of the situation grew to lean more heavily into the side of conspiracy and dark intent.
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Cover image: by Strixxline


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Aug 4, 2024 17:56 by rugrat0ne

Climate change refugees being denied sanctuary. Almost a little too on point for nowadays, lol. Would love to know how it develops, if a shanty town starts outside the walls or something, do charity organizations get involved? I also want to get to know your world better, now.

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