Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!

Vine Millipede

The vine millipede is native to the forests of Nimavi, most commony found in locations bordering the Hearthwild.   These millipedes are known to grow to great lengths, though they remain quite thin overall. With a dusty green coloration, they camouflage well with the native plant life, particularly the creeping vines of the Bitterbell Tree. This millipede species evolved alongside these trees for centuries, taking on many of their vines' visual characteristics, including their color and patterns. This camouflage helps them from being preyed upon by the many predators of the forest, as the vines themselves are extremely unappetizing to most creatures due to their terribly bitter taste.   These millipedes tend to spend most of their time up in the bitterbell trees, latched to their hanging vines or dangling like the vines themselves. Periodically, the millipedes venture to the forest floor to consume decaying and rotting matter that rests beneath their vine homes, enjoying the abundant feasts provided by the enchanted forests of Nimavi. Though these millipedes prefer their foods unmoving, seeking out fungi and carcasses for the most part, these millipedes are known to occasionally hunt living prey when the mood strikes them. This is their typical diet while they remain up in the trees, as they prey upon small insects and miniscule critters they are able to capture with their jaws.   Despite the harsh and unpleasant flavor offered by the bitterbell tree's vines, the millipedes themselves do not share this quality. As they do not consume the vines themselves, the bitterness of the plant has not infiltrated the arthropods, thus making them a common target in local Lessai cuisine. Though the people find them to be rather delicious, few seek to hunt the creatures as they've been known to have a terrible bite, well-practiced due to their treetop hunting practices. They are capable of swinging their bodies and heads as snakes do, latching onto predators with their jaws until they are released.
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Cover image: by Strixxline


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