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Endurium (Endu-riuum)

Endurium is a highly mysterious and enigmatic substance that has defied all attempts at classification. This crystalline material is not organic or mineral in nature, and is believed to have been created through an unknown industrial process. Endurium is found in the ruins of the lost civilization known as the "Ethereal," and its true purpose and function remain unknown. However, it has several unique properties that have been observed and studied.   Endurium is incredibly hard and resistant to any form of alteration or manipulation. It is also cold to the touch, even in extreme environments such as the surface of Mercury or Venus. When stored in a closed space, the temperature drops to near-zero Celsius, regardless of attempts to keep the environment at a comfortable level. Endurium emits a bluish-white glow in the dark and is usually found in bipyramid or scalenohedral structures ranging in weight from 500g to 20kg.   The exact function and origin of Endurium are still unknown, but many scientists and experts have put forth various theories and conjectures. One possibility is that Endurium is a storage module for a phenomenal amount of energy, which could make it a highly valuable resource. An analysis shows that a 1 kg geode of Endurium would be equivalent to its counterpart in antimatter, making it a highly sought-after substance.   However, prolonged exposure to Endurium has been found to cause severe side effects such as nightmares, depression, hallucinations, migraines, and even psychosis leading to murder or suicide. Empaths and members with a high level of ESP have reported having visions and images of past scenes, which has led to the hypothesis that Endurium might belong to a collective archive or a gigantic library.   The Alkaris call Endurium "The Curse of the Sky Gods" because, according to their records, all those who have tried to use it for their purposes have perished in terrible calamities. The Sakkras call it "Demon's Stones" and avoid it at all costs, even going so far as to evacuate one of their planets when a lode was discovered there. Endurium is believed to have been the source of the conflict that resulted in the downfall of the Sakkras empire when they were opposed by the Bulrathis.   The Bulrathis, on the other hand, actively seek out and collect all available deposits of Endurium. The reason for their obsession with the substance remains a closely guarded secret.
Original Source: Starflight (Microprose (now Electronic Arts)) 1986   writer’s notes   In Microprose’s Starflight game, the true nature of the endurium was one of the greatest plot twists in science fiction of the time. It was so well thought out that I decided to reuse it, but with a much more sinister tone. More to follow.

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