Charter Conall Davis

Charter Conall Davis

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He's a physically fit man, however his body has degraded over time, likely due to his vessel being dead

Facial Features

His eyes are a sickly glowing green, he has a short beard that attempts to hide the holes torn in his cheek.

Identifying Characteristics

Sickly glowing green eyes, jagged and torn holes in his left cheek.

Physical quirks

He is left handed, walks with a significant limp, occasionally using his wings to assist him in walking.

Special abilities

He has the ability to resurrect someone with a touch, or instantly kill them with a swing of his thorn covered scythe, which conveniently doubles as his cane.

Apparel & Accessories

Black suit jacket, white dress shirt, black tie, black dress pants, black rattlesnake skin shoes

Mental characteristics

Personal history

[This information was paraphrased, assume it was spoken in a thick Belfast accent]
Well, it started ages ago, I had fought in World War I, the first half of World War II. They say I died on the beaches of Normandy, but it went down a little different from my perspective. I was chosen to be the new angel of death, they saw me fit for the position because of my previous occupation I guess. Long story short, they said I had to take on a vessel if I wanted to interact with the living world. I didn't feel like dragging some poor soul around, destroying his liver for kicks.. So I just took my old body as a vessel. That's why I've got this mean limp and why my face doesn't heal. You could say I'm forcing myself to live.


"I'm old, not dead ya fecker- Wait..."


No formal education past primary school and the junior cycle.


The Standing Angel of Death

Accomplishments & Achievements

Has won several drinking contests with gods and other godlike beings.

Failures & Embarrassments

"Well I got married once."

Mental Trauma

"Well I got married once."

Intellectual Characteristics

Very musically inclined

Morality & Philosophy

His morality is "difficult to put into words" as he puts it.

Personality Characteristics


He hopes to find someone he can spend his time with who won't die as quickly as the last few.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He is quite possibly the best pianist and organist due to having a massive excess of practice time.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Alcohol Dislikes Water

Virtues & Personality perks

He can drink anyone else under the table.

Vices & Personality flaws

He's a functional alcoholic who is severely depressed due to his line of work.


Family Ties

He has a love/hate relationship with his sister and has disowned his mother. He is very close friends with his nephew.

Religious Views

"All the beings in my pantheon are dead aside from me and my nephew. There's not much else to say. My religion is whiskey, and the sect is Jameson."


His voice is quite deep and gravely, but it also has a strange whistle to it due to the holes in his cheek. He speaks with a Belfast Irish accent.     An example is listed below:

Wealth & Financial state

He has built up a large sum of money, usually from things the dead bring in an attempt to sway his decisions.

This is a Stub

History is written by the victors, but those who do not know the truth are condemned to repeat the mistakes of those who came before them

This entry is a Stub and will be expanded on in the future.

Rift Born Entry

Welcome to the Genesis Chamber, the front door to the Nexus

This entry is for a Rift Born, an entity who has arrived here via the Genesis Chamber. Their story has only just begun, so expect this entry to be updated quite often as their story unfolds within the vast expanse.

WIP Character Entry

Your story has only just begun.

This is an entry about an individual who's story is only just begun and will be expanded upon regularly. Be sure to check back often as there might be new things to learn about this particular individual.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Death, The Grim Reaper, The Angel of Death, Fannar Frá Dauða, Joe Mávros
He looks like he's in his mid 50s, but he has been around for a very long time.
Date of Birth
June 3, 1889 (A3)
Lost To Time
Current Residence
A small cabin somewhere between the world of the living and dead.
Black with streaks of gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
6'2" | 188cm
185# | 84Kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
Ya get used to it.
Known Languages
It is presumed that he's familiar with every language known to the codicies. However this has not formally been tested with any length.


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