J. Constantine Davis

J. Constantine Davis

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

His body is afflicted by many rare illnesses simultaneously. If he were cut open, you would find duplicates of every mirrorable organ. The root cause of this is the same as the one which makes his eyes heterochromatic. He has Tetragametic Chimerism, he and his sister are one being split straight down the middle. Many cosmetic surgeries have gone into making the two of them look normal.

Identifying Characteristics

He is immediately recognizable by his blue and orange / blue and brown eyes. He can also be recognized by a brand of the hebrew letter Alef on his left hand.

Special abilities

He has a unique method of controlling mana. That is to say instead of channeling it from the ether, it is physically stored in his body, condensed to the point of becoming a mana singularity. His mana cap is currently untested, however it is likely that it can be comparable to some of the best mages that use the traditional methods, if not better.

Apparel & Accessories

His clothing is usually just something that would have been normal for the mid 1990s. He's usually got a walkman stereo clipped on his pants.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

I am a man. My sister is a woman.


"You know that's an interesting one. The me part of me definitely prefers women, but I'm two people, and the other person is a woman who swings both ways. So I guess you can technically call me bisexual?"

Accomplishments & Achievements

"I've been lucifer, I've been the king of many places, I've been the champion of a realm, fought with gods, but I believe my best accomplishment so far would be my daughters."

Failures & Embarrassments

"Man there are too many to really count. Had a few years there where I went off the deep end. I guess the one I can talk about here is the time I lost it and turned an entire realm into cheese, which then made these one magical beings do the same thing to their realm. That one was funny looking back at it, but I'd rather not to talk about the rest."

Mental Trauma

He previously suffered with a variation of Dissociative Identity Disorder, which was caused and exponentiated by splitting himself into multiple people incorrectly via spellcasting. He has lived long enough to watch entire universes go out, whether it be in a bang, or a hushed and sad death. The majority of his life was experienced in immense pain due to sustaining unhealable injuries from fighting beings of incredible power.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He is virtuosic with a guitar, having an incredible vibe about him when playing. He specializes in blues, but he's also good at most genres. His casting potential is absurd when you consider that he has yet to take the first steps of ascension.

Likes & Dislikes

"I like Jack Daniel's, pretty partial to pasta, red bull is nice, parmesa- no, cheese in general is a favorite of mine. Now for people traits, I like people who have a purpose for themselves, goals, all that stuff. I dislike people, like myself, who just dive headfirst into danger knowing they could get trapped or killed. That definitely makes me a hypocrit, but preferences are preferences."

Vices & Personality flaws

He's a chainsmoker, a mild alcoholic, and an ex-cocaine addict.

Personality Quirks

Sometimes his orange eye will glow slightly if he's irritated. This glow is linear to how irritated he gets. The effects of this are known to be a fairly significant divebomb on his patience.


Contacts & Relations

"Well I still have some old contacts in Arcruxes and it's connected realms. My relations with the majority of the Dominus region are undesirable to say the least. I'm in fairly good standing with the PKT Team, used to work with them pretty closely."

Wealth & Financial state

"I'm really not sure how much money I've got nowadays. It's been so long since I've needed cash for anything... I'm either pretty well off or dirt poor. We'll have to rain check on that for now."

This is a Stub

History is written by the victors, but those who do not know the truth are condemned to repeat the mistakes of those who came before them

This entry is a Stub and will be expanded on in the future.

Rift Born Entry

Welcome to the Genesis Chamber, the front door to the Nexus

This entry is for a Rift Born, an entity who has arrived here via the Genesis Chamber. Their story has only just begun, so expect this entry to be updated quite often as their story unfolds within the vast expanse.

WIP Character Entry

Your story has only just begun.

This is an entry about an individual who's story is only just begun and will be expanded upon regularly. Be sure to check back often as there might be new things to learn about this particular individual.

Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lucifer, The Fallen Angel, Morningstar
26* (No Longer Ages)
Date of Birth
July 28, 1970
Appalachia, EZ-Omega
Current Residence
Appalachia, Earth O-883
Blue (R) | Orange (L)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6'1" | 185cm
190# | 86Kg
Known Languages
He can speak just about every language after hearing it spoken in conversation, this is a benefit that comes with being the fallen angel.


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