5.0: Rivendell to the Anduin

  • The party heads out of Rivendell and the journey south to the Mountain Pass goes without major incident.
  • Encounter a dead Dwarf and a couple of dead Woodmen on the Pass.
  • Catch up to raiding party headed east. They find a coded message.
  • Escorted to Mountain Hall . Learn of escalating tensions and that the Dwarves are tapping into the Mines. Talk to Loremaster about coded message.
  • Investigate mines. Discover hidden chamber with Mannish mining gear. Ambushed. One attacker is captured. When brought before Hartfast, son of Hartmunt it is discovered he is not of the villagers even though he is dressed as one. The prisoner, Iwuld, Woodman Rogue must be taken safely to Woodland Hall where he can be living proof of a conspiracy. Hartfast recommends going to Stonyford to infrom the Beornings.
The Central Anduin Vales

Articles under 5.0: Rivendell to the Anduin