5.2: The Mountain Pass

Mountain Pass has little snow among the lower heights this time of year, and the going is smooth and uneventful. The air gets colder as you climb, but the weather is still sunny and dry. Patches of snow cling to the mountainsides, especially in the shady areas. The weather may be good, but the going is slow and the path is steep. The ponies slow down with their heavy loads, and you decide to rest for a while before continuing.

Plot points/Scenes

Encounter the Dead Dwarf

Some in the party may think they hear yelling. They are actually hearing the battle cry of a Dwarf, who has been ambushed and now lay dying just ahead.

A Dwarf lay dead on the side of the road. He is ornately garbed, and his notched axe, with blood on the edge, still lay in his hands. Also on the ground is a dead Woodman, apparently killed by the Dwarf in the struggle. The Dwarf wears an emblem of Balin's colony on his helm. His pack contains letters to the Dwarf settlements in the Blue Mountains, apparently encouraging others to join the colony in Moria. The pack also contains a few maps of Eriador, but his coin purse or any other money appear to be missing.

  • Hidden in the Dwarf's boot is a small coin purse that contains two small Dwarvish coins, apparently made of mithril and bearing the insignia of Balin's Colony.
  • The Woodman bears a staff that has the name 'Leudast' engraved on it, apparently a family name.
  • On close inspection, the bodies of the Woodmen seem to be in much worse shape than the Dwarf.
  • The nearest Woodmen settlement is Mountain Hall , where the party was planning to go to anyway. Perhaps they may shed some light on this. At the very least, they need to know.