6.0 From the Mountains to the River

Frost covers the ground in the early morning at Mountain Hall , and the ground crunches beneath your feet. The inhabitants of Mountain Hall still seem to be in shock and disbelief at the treachery of Theodemir. Hartfast, son of Hartmunt seems to have come around, however, providing fresh supplies and ponies, herbs that may come in handy, repairing weapons. He will not, however, send scouts ahead. "We are a small village, and have already lost several. I will not risk losing more and leaving Mountain Hall thus so vulnerable right before winter." And so now, in addition to your pipe-weed wagon, you have a prisoner to escort to Woodland Hall . Hartfast gives you words of parting in friendship with a final charge. "If you can, capture Theodemir alive. Not only must he be tried for his treachery, but perhaps we can learn why he would do such a thing."

Plot points/Scenes

  • Survivor from the mine ambush kills himself. The party can realize something was hidden in his belt.
  • Party ambushed again after leaving Mountain Hall. They are led by Theodemir, but he is shielded by others and escapes.
  • Theodemir about to be killed by enemy, party intervenes. Party recaptures Theodemir and heads north.
  • Party stays at Trader's Island. Party is again attacked and Theodemir is targeted.
  • Party arrives at Stonyford.

Articles under 6.0 From the Mountains to the River