6.1 The Foothills


There is no time to waste. Theodemir, Captain of the Guard of Mountain Hall, has apparently betrayed everyone and is in league with... someone, fomenting unrest between Men and Dwarves here in the Vales of Anduin. You found the body of a dead Dwarf, an emissary from Moria being sent to the Blue Mountains, on the Mountain Pass. At first it looked like he was killed by Woodmen, but you found evidence to indicate otherwise, which was later confirmed when you were able to decode a message from someone named Nuri - ironically, a Dwarf name.

You found the encryption key in the Mines of Mountain Hall and were subsequently ambushed, while Theodemir stalled and subsequently fled the village, accompanied by his hound and several co-conspirators. He's headed East, and likely has at least an hour's head start.

The West Anduin Vales open before you as the ground steadily runs downhill. The air warms up noticeably from the rising sun, and the fresh tracks of several Men on horses are easy to spot and follow. The plan is to catch up to Theodemir the Treacherous and take him northeast, avoiding the Wolfswood and the marshes of the Gladden Fields.

Your destination is Trader's Island , where you can rest and replenish your supplies before heading on to Stonyford the next day. If you catch Theodemir quickly, you could be in Stonyford in less than a week.

Plot points/Scenes

The sky darkens prematurely as a storm rolls in. It would be perilous to continue on the rocky, downward ground in the rain and the dark. Surely even Theodemir had to stop for the night.
  • Party must make a Fatigue Test if they choose to continue without resting.
  • Theodemir and his minions attack at dawn the next day. Theodemir, shielded by his colleagues, escapes and heads directly to the Wolfswood as quickly as he can.

Wild Man Warrior





Wpn SkillsAbilities
Spear 2Hatred (Elves)
Bow 2Thrall (Spiders)

The Central Anduin Vales






Wpn SkillsAbilities
Sword 3No Quarter
Dagger 2

No Quarter: -1 Hate: Additional attack with secondary weapon if target was knocked out. Target killed on great success or better.

Axe5eye18Break Shield