6.3 Journey to Traders Island

Trader’s Island is a refuge of the River-folk. It is one of the larger islands in the Anduin; the river splits around a rocky outcropping like the Carrock, and a long sandy spit has formed downstream of the rock. Stunted trees and long grasses bind the island together, but the ground is not always safe, and unwary travellers may blunder into soft sand or mud with little warning.

There are usually several éafolc families camped on the isle, for they use it as a meeting-place and trading post. Persistent rumours claim that there is a huge cache of buried treasure somewhere on the island, a hoard accumulated by many generations of thieving River-folk.

Hartfast told you this should be a safe place to restock on supplies and rest before heading on to Stonyford - the Enemy tends to avoid rushing waters such as those that surround the island.

Plot points/Scenes

  • Fatigue Test for journey from the Wolfwood to Traders Island.
  • Party may rest and head out the following morning.
  • Party may speak with any of the people present and may hear rumors:


  • The Beornings have sealed the borders to their lands, which will make it difficult to gain entry to Stonyford (and thus your trade route).
  • The Dwarves of Moria have also allegedly been receiving arms from their kin in the Blue Mountains (the party should realize this is not true since the messenger to the Ered Luin was killed in the Pass).
  • Iwuld, one of the Woodmen on the island, will try to sneak in and kill Theodemir during the night.

Treasure Hunting

  • If the party searches for treasure, it will require Search TN 18. Anyone with greed as a feature or Shadow Weakness will do so and will not initially be present when Iwuld, Woodman Rogue sneaks in.
Rules on Journeying and Fatigue Tests may be found here. Rules: Journeys

Iwuld, Woodman Rogue





Wpn SkillsAbilities
Axe 2Hatred (Dwarves)
Dagger 2Thrall (Spiders)

Thrall (Spiders): -1 Hate to become target instead of Spider.
Mirkwood-Dweller: 2x Parry when in Mirkwood.
Hatred (Dwarves): Weapons and attacks are favored when vs Dwarves.
Iwuld is a Wildman of the Woods and enslaved by the Spiders, secretly living among the Men of Woodland Hall for the past year.

WeaponDMGEDGINJCalled Shot
Axe5eye18Break Shield
It is rumored there is a cache of treasure on the island!