6.4 The Beornings of Stonyford

There has not been a ford at Stonyford for hundreds of years. The river was passable here once, but no longer. The tumbledown pile of stones atop a low hill were once a watchtower that guarded the road in a time when kings ruled the land. The village remains, though; a few wooden huts that cluster around the foot of the mound by the river. The folk here survive by fishing and hunting, as they have done for many generations.
The Beornings are mistrustful of outsiders even in times of peace, let alone amid tensions between neighbors. It appears the village elders are at the entrance, waiting for you. This may not be easy.

Plot points/Scenes

Unless the company travels by night and avoids the path by the river, they are spotted long before they arrive, and the village’s elders come out to meet them.
  • See Rules: Handling Encounters for the procedure on handling Encounters. The Beornings respect warriors more than scholars, so the encounter’s initial Tolerance is equal to the highest Valour among the company. Add one to the rating if a Beorning or Woodman is the spokesman, and reduce it by one if there are no Beornings or Woodmen in the group at all. Also subtract 1 for each Dwarf in the party.

The three elders introduce themselves first, with Ava doing most of the talking.

“Strangers we do not welcome to our homes. Unless you have business here, you must move on. Woodland Hall is but a few days travel east of here; doubtless you will find better hospitality there. We will not meddle in the affairs of others, nor actively take part in them.”

Gaining Entrance

  • If the company introduce themselves collectively, Awe is the most appropriate ability for a spokesman, but Ava is a hardened diplomat, and proves difficult to impress (TN 16). If they choose to introduce themselves individually, then use Courtesy at the default difficulty.
  • The first thing the companions need to do is to get permission to enter the village. This requires a Courtesy roll, or a thorough telling of how the party has uncovered the conspiracy (this grants an automatic success). If allowed to enter the village, they are told by Ava that they can sleep in the empty house closest to the South Gate.
  • Unless any companion has obtained a great or extraordinary success with his Courtesy roll, Ava demands they hand their weapons over to Williferd before entering the village.

Asking for Help

If the party asks the Beornings to send word to Radagast or Beorn: TN 18, may be reduced by 1d3 with a Great Success or better on Persuade.

Opening the Borders

This is most difficult and should generally fail. At the Loremaster's discretion it may succeed at TN 22.



Iwmud the Goatherd will visit the party if they are stuck outside of the village.
"Well met, my friends! I am a friend, am I not, assuming I leave my herd outside of your humble lodgings? I am Iwmud, a humble shepherd of the Vales. From what I hear, you have caused nothing but mayhem ever since Bree! I am wondering, what sort of chaos can I expect here? What have you discovered?" He smiles and chuckles, although you have no idea how he even knows who you are, let alone about your journey.
Iwmud will let on only that he knows many people and has traveled the area extensively. He will act as if he is suspicious of the party's true intentions, but in reality he knows the party is friendly and may reveal the following:
  • If they have not already done so, he will encourage the party to lose their trading carts for the sake of speed.
  • He may be able to get word to Radagast of the situation
  • iwmud will confirm a contingent of Dwarves is on its way towards the Western Eaves of Mirkwood from the Iron Hills, although he is unsure of their ultimate destination.
  • iwmud has heard of the name Nuri, and informs the party a Dwarf named Nuri is a leader of the Dwarves of the Iron Hills, and is likely among the Dwarves headed here.
  • Gain entrance
  • Get the Beornings to send word to Radagast of events
  • Convince the Beornings to keep their borders open


  • Hartwulf, a greybeard who leans heavily upon a staff, and mumbles when he talks. The villagers call him their wiseman, and believe he knows all sorts of magical secrets – but who knows what he means when he mutters to himself?
  • Ava, Hartwulf’s daughter and one of the strongest personalities in the village. She is the clan’s diplomat and spokeswoman when trading and dealing with outsiders. She mistrusts visitors, and always tries to dissuade them from coming too close to the village.
  • Williferd, a warrior and the most experienced warrior of Stonyford. He keeps one hand on his axe-handle at all times.

Iwmud the Goatherd


Skills: Leechcraft, Smoking
Features:Clever, Patient, Secretive
Relevant Skills: Riddle 3, Lore 3, Song 2
