7.0: Preventing a War

  • The party leaves Stonyford and heads to Woodland Hall , with the aim of bringing Theodemir to testify as proof of a conspiracy to incite the Dwarves and Woodmen to war. If Theodemir is already dead, it will just be more difficult to prove to the Woodmen.
  • The party is attacked by Mansbane, and upon finding his hoard discover the bones of a dead Dwarf among the The Long Barrows , whose signet ring shows him to be Nuri. This will help provide additional evidence of the plot. If Theodemir is still alive, this encounter is optional.
  • Party nears Woodland Hall to find it blockaded by the Dwarves. They must sneak past the lines into the town to speak with the Town Magistrate.
  • Party discovers the Dwarf that is part of the conspiracy is the second in command of the blockading forces.
  • Discovered, the conspirator gives a signal and Spiders and Wildmen of the Woods appear from the eaves of Mirkwood to assail the town. Dwarves and Men must scramble to unite and repel the attackers. The Beornings arrive to assist, as does Radagast.
  • Victorious, the people realize the threat of the Shadow is not wholly gone. The Merchant's Guild compensates the party and abandons its plane for a trade route "until the world is a bit safer".

Articles under 7.0: Preventing a War