7.2 Entering Woodland Hall

As you get within a mile of Woodland Hall , you see several large stones have been laid across your path just up ahead. Armed Dwarves appear to be on duty, and just behind them appears to be an encampment of Dwarves. To the left of the path lay the forest of Mirkwood, and to the right lies the Dusky River. Just beyond, the hill of Woodland Hall rises through the mist, so close and yet seemingly out of reach.

Plot points/Scenes

  • Party's task is to either talk to the Dwarves first and explain the plot, or get past the blockade and tell the Men of Woodland Hall.
Treat this Encounter as hostile (-2 to Tolerance). See Rules: Handling Encounters .

If the party confronts the Dwarves:

There appear to be several hundred grim-faced Dwarves encamped here, most bearing the arms of the Iron Hills, although some seem to hail from Erebor and even Moria. Although not outwardly hostile, you are eyed with suspicion as you are escorted to the central tent. You enter to see a few Dwarves, one older than the others, gathered around a small table that seems to have a map of the area around Woodland Hall on it. He looks up and straightens, examining you all. 'This is a rather unusual group of travelers in these tense times. But I will not be rash in judgement and would know what brings you here. My name is Oin, and these are my military and political advisors, Thras, and Nuri.'
  • Nuri is in Oin's tent as the diplomatic advisor to the Dwarves.
  • Once exposed, Nuri will do what he can to deny the claims or say it must be a different Nuri. He noticeably will not look at any Men in the party and will treat them with scorn. When pressed, he will finally become enraged, lift the veil to reveal himself as Gorlanc, and make smoke appear so he can make his escape - but not before killing Theodemir (if he's still alive).
  • Gorlanc claims the party is too late, claiming if the Dwarves will not attack Woodland Hall, then "someone else will".
If the party sneaks through to Woodland Hall:
  • Each party member must pass Stealth TN 14 (Elves, Hobbits, or anyone with acceptable skill/trait TN 12) three times.
  • The party will be taken to the Council in Wuduseld, where they can present their case to convince the Woodmen to parley.
The great house of Woodland Hall is a very large building, built on a hillock whose sides have laboriously been made sheer on all sides but one, increasing its defensibility.
Among the great houses of the woodland folk this is probably the most magnificent. Generations of carpenters spent long hours with knife and gouge in hand to carve life-like images of beasts, warriors and women into the tough wood of the trees of Mirkwood. Every door and window-post, every pillar, rafter and beam tells a different tale, sometimes harkening back to times now forgotten, when the Woodmen lived in different lands. Such craft has never been equalled again, leaving the Woodmen of today to wonder at the cunning of their forefathers.
  • While speaking with the Council, a Dwarf appears bearing a flag of truce. He introduces himself as Nuri, and he calls upon the Men to disband this settlement or be destroyed.
  • As the party confronts Nuri, if Theodemir is still alive he will cry out 'Deceiver!' and lunge towards Nuri. Nuri almost instantly drops his disguise and becomes Gorlanc, sending a dagger through Theodemir's throat. A cloud of smoke appears and Gorlanc makes his escape while yelling, "This land is for neither Man nor Dwarf!"
  • If Theodemir is dead, presenting Nuri's axe drops the TN by 4 to convince the Council of Nuri's duplicity. He will drop the guise escape in a cloud of smoke after throwing a dagger through Theodemir's throat.

The party must chase down Gorlanc before he reaches Dol Guldur.

  • Decide whether to talk to the Dwarves or the Men.
  • Convince Oin or the Council that Nuri is not who he claims.
  • Give chase to Gorlanc and fight him.
Woodland Hall
Parent Plot

What if the Encounter Fails?

Consider having Radagast show up early to finally persuade the Dwarves and Men to listen to what the party has to say - apparently Iwmud's message got through.