7.3 Catching the Messenger

Gorlanc suddenly cries out and a flare of light like a firework soars overhead - a signal. You hear his laughter as he yells out, 'Your deaths will only be the first of many! The realms of Men and Dwarves will never last!" It is suddenly quiet, except for the sudden cries of carrion birds flying up from the trees ahead. You suspect the worst, and have only minutes to prepare.

Plot points/Scenes

The party will be attacked by 2-3 Great Spiders (Core Rulebook, p242), and Gorlanc, Servant of the Necromancer himself will join, as does Radagast.
  • Oin appears with a cohort of Dwarves, as do the Woodmen, to help fight off the threat as the eyes of many more spiders are seen through the eaves of the trees.
The spider threat gone and the conspiracy exposed, Oin and some of his Dwarves go with you to Woodland Hall with Radagast to discuss events. It is still unknown who is really behind the plot to incite war between Men and Dwarves. Perhaps Gorlanc was a Wild Man of the Woods that worshiped the Spiders and did their bidding, and the plot was hatched by them. Or Gorlanc was simply acting on his own out of hatred for his kin. Or perhaps Gorlanc was working for someone else altogether - that seems to be what Radagast thinks.
Perhaps more answers lay elsewhere, deeper in the forest. In the meantime, the members of the Merchant's Guild eagerly await your report.

Gorlanc, Servant of the Necromancer





Wpn SkillsAbilities
Dagger 3Commanding Voice

Commanding Voice: -1 Hate: +1 to all nearby minions
Hatred:All rolls favored against object
Bewilder: -1 Hate: Target Parry reduced to TN of stance
Poison: Wounded; Feverish 1d6 rounds. +6 to all TNs. Duration 1 week.


Great Spider




3 3 2 2 2 1

Wpn Skills Abilities
Ensnare 3 Denizen of the Dark
Sting 2 Strike Fear
 Seize Victim
 Dreadful Spells

Denizen of the Dark: 2xAL in the darkness
Strike Fear: -1 HAT: Fear Test (Valor/Heart) TN 14
Seize Victim: If hit, fixed stance and 1/2 Parry. Free [Athletics]TN14
Dreadful Spells:-1 Hate: Corruption Test, +1 Shadow if fail, cannot attack any Spider for WIS+10 rounds

EnsnareSeize Victim---
Parent Plot