Gorlanc, Servant of the Necromancer

Gorlanc is Man whose ancestors hail from Cardolan. He was captured, with his family, fleeing East across the Mountains in an effort to find more peaceful lands to settle. His parents and siblings were killed in the pits of Dol Guldur, but he fell under the spell of the Necromancer, who perceived Gorlanc had potential to become a trusted and strong servant.

Gorlanc was also tasked with retrieving the Ring of Seven Jewels by the Necromancer. He posed as a fellow prisoner and convinced Berelas to help him, and staged her escape.

Gorlanc serves as the Necromancer's emissary to the Great Spiders of Mirkwood and has learned to converse with them. He often has a guard of Spiders when roaming near Dol Guldur. He also has the ability to assume different guises. He killed and assumed the appearance of Nuri to incite the Dwarves against the Woodmen, and also assumed other guises to sway Theodemir to believe the Dwarves need to be eradicated from the Anduin Vales.

Gorlanc, Servant of the Necromancer





Wpn SkillsAbilities
Dagger 3Commanding Voice

Commanding Voice: -1 Hate: +1 to all nearby minions
Hatred:All rolls favored against object
Bewilder: -1 Hate: Target Parry reduced to TN of stance
Poison: Wounded; Feverish 1d6 rounds. +6 to all TNs. Duration 1 week.
