Merchants Guild

The Merchant's Guild was founded in T.A. 2211 in Esgaroth, as a way to continue trade in light of the abandoning of Erebor to Smaug and the emigration of the Dwarves to the Blue Mountains and Iron Hills. For most of its existence it has consisted mostly of Men of Esgaroth, the Woodmen of Mirkwood, and the Dwarves of the Iron Hills, coordinating trade and helping to keep trade routes and caravans safe.

With the death of Smaug in 2941, the Guild saw an opportunity to expand greatly, establishing a presence in the rebuilt realms of Dale and Erebor, and expanding west to include the Beornings. It also established a presence in Bree to facilitate trade between Bree, the Shire and the Blue Mountains.

The Merchant's Guild also conducts extensive trade with the Woodland Realm of the Elves, but the Elves do not currently allow a presence there.

Recently it has also begun exploring the possibility of a trade route connecting Bree to Woodland Hall .


Each settlement in which the Merchant's Guild has a presence is headed by a Guildhead. Each Guildhead is a member of the Guild Council, which oversees the Guild. Each Town usually has a liason on the Council as well, although they do not have a direct vote.
The Merchant's Guild currently has a presence established in the Blue Mountains, Michel Delving, Bree, Woodland Hall, the Carrock, Erebor, Dale, Esgaroth, and the Iron Hills.
Merchants Guild cover
Founding Date
TA 2211
Guild, Merchant